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Second outfit

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Second outfit.

Reyna walked down the hall to the spiral staircase into the dungeon, trying very hard not to let her emotions show on her face. She was making her way to Jason's cell. As a military leader, it was her job to interrogate the treacherous prince, but she didn't know if she could handle it.

She had been in love with Jason for a long time. As a military advisor, born from a wealthy family, it could of worked out too. But he didn't love her back. Reyna had seen how he looked at that Greek princess.

The problem was, it was hard for Reyna to hate her. She hated her anyway, but it as hard. She was a selfless person. She didn't complain when faced with death. She did what needed to be done. She was the type of person Reyna respected, but the problems were endless.]

She was Greek. She had stolen Reyna's Jason. She was infuriatingly calm in all circumstances. She was perfect.

Every step Reyna took echoed. She saw him, and her breath got caught in her throat. His blond hair was just long enough to hang, sticky with sweat. His eyes were closed, but when he heard her knock against the bars, he looked up at her. He nodded to her.


She asked him many questions, her heart thumping in her chest, but she never let it show. She left him after hours of question, with no answers but one that made her heart break: Her Jason was gone.

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