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First outfit with black cloak

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First outfit with black cloak

Thalia's heart raced as she was forced into the castle. Luke was clenching her arm painfully tight. She knew there was no escape, but that was hardly the greatest thing on her mind at the moment. Luke wouldn't look at her. She wanted so badly for him to look at her. So she could explain. But Luke's expression told her not to push it.

They entered the throne room, where the king sat at his thrown, speaking with his daughter. He seemed exasperated, and Piper seemed indignant. This situation was all too familiar to anyone who had spent any time in the castle. Piper and her dad had been at each other's throats since she was six. Piper was not on to back down from something she was passionate about. It was amazing how at the end of the day, they could put their disagreements aside and still love each other as they did.

"-a Roman! The prince at that! You can't expect me to just invite him to stay in my home, much less risk soldiers to ensure his invaluable safety!"

"Dad, he risked his life for my safety!"

"that's all good and well!"


"That's enough! I've already given refuse to quite enough Romans, I think! I don't have time for this!" The King must have been in an awful mood. Thalia had never seen him turn away someone in need,  or complain about it. She couldn't imagine what awful things must be arising to have him so out of sorts.


"Leave!" Piper huffed, and stormed out of the room, not noticing Thalia.  The king sighed. "It's impossible to talk to her." Thalia wanted to point out that he was the one being unnecessarily difficult, but she didn't like her odds in a trial with an angry king keen on her head. Also, Luke's grip on her arm was cutting off her blood circulation, and it was getting hard to focus. She was a little dizzy. The king turned on them, noticing Thalia for the first time.

"You- but- Luke, are you playing tricks on me?" Thalia couldn't help herself.

"Does he play tricks on you often?" Luke's grip tightened, and Thalia almost passed out. The King, seeing this, shook his head.

"Luke, you're hurting her." Thalia saw a little guilt in his eyes, but his face was riddled with conflict. He loosened his grip.

"I don't know how to make sense of this, and I'm not sure I can, but until I have time to gather my thoughts, please take her to the dungeon. " Luke didn't protest. He started immediately for the dungeon.

"Luke-please let me explain!" she begged as he lead her down the stairs. "I was-"

"No," he interrupted, his face uncharacteristically icy. "The pain you put me through..." He turned away. "You don't love me. You never did." He shoved her gently into a cell and shut the door, locking it quickly. He ignored her protests and begging. Her voice echoed off the stony walls in the dungeon, and Thalia felt like her heart was being broken all over again.

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