Percy Part Two

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Get up, Percy.

Percy heard a little voice in his head. He had promised Annabeth he would make it back to her. He forced himself to stand, despite the pain of doing so.

"How? You Greeks just can't stay dead!" Percy slowly turned around. The person who had been speaking was a man in a white toga. His hair was a blonde, stringy mop. He had bags under his eyes. He wore a belt with knives.

"And you are?...."

"Octavian! The greatest augur of Rome! Trusted by King Jupiter himself to lead his mighty army against the Greeks!"

"Ah, yeah.... You." Percy had no idea who this guy was, but he was gonna roll with it.

"So, you know, I was just kind of wondering, since we're kind of at a draw. You know, you can't kill me, and I'm wounded and disarmed. I was just kind of wondering, maybe, why you want to attack us in the first place."

"Because you are Greeks!"

"Yeah, but-"

"Enough! You're almost as infuriating as your redheaded friend. She couldn't stop blabbing." Percy felt like he had been punched.


"Yes, her. She's much to outspoken for one of the inferior female species." Percy felt anger boil in his stomach. Rachel had been really close to Annabeth and Percy when they were little. Kind of like the best third wheel anyone could ask for. Her father and Annabeth's were good friends. Both rich. They liked to get together for a drink a few times  a week. Percy would play with them while they waited outside for their mothers to deal with the drunk men. Rachel, Annabeth and Percy had been the best friends.

"Where. Is. She," Percy growled. Octavian raised any eyebrow.

" Why? Is she spoken for?"

"What? No! Rachel and I are friends! I have a girlfriend!" Octavian nodded. " Now, where is she?"

"I have taken her into my possession."

"She's not an item! She's not something that you can own!"

"She is one of the inferior female species. Of course I can own her."

"You make me sick," he spat. "A person's gender doesn't determine their value in society."

"You know, I think I recognize you from around the castle. Weren't you the servant boy who served me my wine?" Percy's jaw clenched. He remembered the times people had pushed him around and mocked him for being a Greek while he served them. He didn't remember this guy specifically. Most of the time it was in and out, but he was certain he'd been one of the ones to push him around like he was less than him. He was definitely the type of guy to do that.

"Where. Is. My. Friend."

"I told you, I'm holding her in my possession-" Octavian was distracted by something. His face flashed with outrage. "That treasonous traitor!" Percy turned to where he was looking. Directly in his line of sight was Frank, the ex Roman soldier.

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