Chapter 4

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-Three Days Later-

*Santo POV*

I woke up with India in my arms. I smiled as everything that happened came back to me. Yesterday, India asked if we could smoke again so she could she if she liked it and, my job is to give my baby everything she wants, so I agreed. After that, she went upstairs to take a shower and I went to my room to lay down. The best thing happened.

She came in my room with the shirt that I let her borrow on. India told me she was ready and like I said, it's my job to give her what she wants. Really really long story short, we made love last night. (Keep reading) I kissed India's head.

"Baby, get up. We can go out today." I told her. She got up and looked around. I guess she remembered last night but, she wasn't happy.

"Why did you let me do that last night?! I told you I was ready!" India yelled.

I looked at her, confused. "Baby, last night you came in here and asked me." I reminded her.

India was still mad. "I was high, I get like that! You should have stopped me!" India yelled at me. I looked at her.

"Baby, I'm sorry. If I would've known it was because you were high, I wouldn't have done it for you. I thought you really wanted too. You told me you did. I had no idea it was because you were high. I'm sorry, baby." I apologized. Had I known it was cause she was high, I wouldn't have.

"Of course, I didn't want too! You kidnapped me! I hate you. You ruined my whole life! Why would I ever want to do anything with you!" India yelled. I felt a sting in my heart.

"India, you can leave my room now." I whispered.

"Santo-" She started but, I cut her off.

"INDIA GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I yelled at her. India looked at me with sadness in her eyes and then looked at the ground and walked out of my room, closing the door behind her.

I sat on the bed and just thought about everything. The whole reason that I fell in love with India was because she was the only person that was kind to me, since kindergarden and all the way to high school.

-Flashback to Kindergarden-

"Eww, look at Chresanto, he's so ugly." Some girl whispered. Her friends giggled.

"Look at his gap. There's braces to fix that." She continued. I put my head down, knowing what was next.

"Why's his hair so long, he looks like a girl." Another girl teased. Then I felt my hair being yanked. I screamed cause it hurt.

"Hey, get off of him." Someone yelled. I looked up and it was India. She's so pretty. I wonder why she's helping me.

"What are you gonna do about it, stupid?" The other little girl asked.

"Layla, go away and leave him alone." India instructed but, she didn't listen. This 'Layla' girl, pulled my hair again. India didn't hesitate to punch her in the nose.

The girl cried and ran off. India hugged me.

"Don't let them get to you. I love your hair, and your gap is cute. You're not ugly either." She told me. I smiled and hugged her tighter.

"Thanks, your not ugly either." I complimented. India giggled and pulled away from me.

"You wanna hang out with me?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I'll just stay over here." I answered. India rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand, pulling me with her.

-End Flashback-

In Love With My Kidnapper(Roc Royal/Santo August)Where stories live. Discover now