Chapter 10

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So, in the story, it's currently May 5th, just wanted to say that. I didn't skip time or anything, but I'm just telling y'all the date.

I woke up that morning, looking around. I realized that yesterday actually happened, it wasn't a dream. I sat up, I would love to say that I bursted out in a happy dance, or smiled, or was even slightly happy. But I didn't, I curled up in a ball and cried my eyes out. If I wasn't going to be happy, then why did I leave.

It took me hours to pull myself together. Every time I got it together, I would look at either the pregnancy tests, my stomach or the necklace Santo bought me, and break down all over again. I don't even know if I'm pregnant or not, I haven't been able to leave the bed. Why did I leave?

Okay, get up and take the tests. Then go get the money from the box. I kept repeating that in my head. I grabbed all the boxes and my water then walked to the bathroom. This is going to take forever.

I peed on all the sticks before closing the bathroom door and walking to my closet. I dressed quickly, wearing a jeans and one of Santo's hoodies. It smelled like him, so I took it with me. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my house keys and phone before leaving.

I kind of just stared at Santo's house. It made me think of him, and I got a little choked up. I felt like crying again, but I need to go get that money. I don't have any more than a hundred now.

I felt a few tears coming down after walking for a while. I slipped on my sunglasses so no one would see. My phone dinged, signaling I had a text. I stepped to the side of the side walk to read it.

Santo- Don't cry, baby girl. I'm closer than you think, my love. I love you.

Reading the text made me smile and wipe my eyes.

India- I love you too.

Santo- Just so you know, I'm actually going to anger management. Just for you...and our baby.

I was a little surprised with this one.

India- Thank you. I don't know if I'm carrying a baby or not.

Santo- I do, as I said, I'm closer than you think. I see you now, smiling down at your phone and one hand on your stomach. You're in my hoodie, the Nirvana one.

India- That's a little creepy, babe. Where are you?

Santo- Hmm, I can't tell you yet. I was heart broken, it's your turn to be.

India- But I miss you :(

Santo- I miss you too, love. Now, go get your money.

India- How'd you know?

Santo- Shh.

India- What?

He didn't text back after that. I looked around, trying to find. He was no where to be found. That's a little odd. But he is Santo, he's just like that.

I think that he might be a little mad at me. I frowned and then got another text.

Santo- Don't feel down, baby. I'll see you soon, I want to get better first.

India- I made a mistake.

Santo- Getting pregnant by me or...

India- Leaving you.

Santo- I figured you thought that when you were bawling like a baby this morning.

India- Not funny.

Santo- I didn't say it was.

India- I know you were laughing or at least smiling.

Santo- Awe, I'm sorry.

In Love With My Kidnapper(Roc Royal/Santo August)Where stories live. Discover now