Girl Meets World: Part Two

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"Well," Lucas started. "Today was...eventful for a first day." We were currently sitting at home around the dining table, picking at a dinner of cold spaghetti. Our Aunt Flo (who was taking care of us while we were in America) was nowhere to be seen. Probably playing bingo with her pals.

I pushed the sauce around my plate, trying to gather up as much as I could in my spoon. "You're telling me. At least you had that Riley Matthews to stare at," I smirked, leaning closer to him. Lucas looked down at his food.

"You like her, right?" I asked with a mouthful of sauce. Mm, I loved the sauce. Lucas must've swallowed too quickly, because he started choking. Finally, after two hilarious minutes of violent hacking and coughing, he managed, "Well, I mean...maybe?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's obvious you have something for her," I told him. "I can see trueeee looove." I placed my hand over my heart and pretended to swoon. Halfway through my beautiful act, Lucas flung a wad of his pasta at my face.

"Bleh! WHY??!" I cried. Lucas shrugged. "I needed Hadley to stop talking, so I flung my spaghetti at her."

I laughed and scooped up my previous sauce, returning the favor. Soon it turned out to be a full fight, complete with a knife-to-fork battle. After we finished, I stepped back and looked over at our mess. It reminded me of our old food fights in Texas when we were little. So that's why, that night as I fell asleep, it almost seemed like home.

The next day the subway came on time, and classes went smoothly up until lunch. Lucas and I walked around looking for a table to sit at, carrying our lunch trays and (well, it's what I thought) looking like idiots. I spotted Maya and Riley sitting alone at a table, and when they saw us Maya scooted over to make room for Lucas to sit next to Riley. Aw, cute.

Out of the blue, Farkle rushed in and landed in the empty chair, coolly stating, "Ladies." Maya and Riley replied "Farkle," in unison, as if they'd done it a hundred times. They probably had. He smirked at the girls.

"Interesting lunch line dilemma. Sloppy joe," he turned to Maya. "-or chicken pot pie?" He asked Riley. "Sloppy joe? Or chicken pot pie?"

Maya spoke in a monotone. "That all you got?" Farkle stood up. "That's it. Same time tomorrow!"

Lucas and I made our way to the table and sat down. Maya and Riley continued to talk- probably about my brother.

"Hey," Riley said to no one in particular.

"Hey back," Lucas replied, smiling at the blushing girl. Riley paused and kind of grimaced.

"Hi," she began awkwardly. I smiled at Maya and we watched her 'make a move'. "You're sitting here."

Lucas looked worried for a second. "Is that okay?" He asked.

Riley did yet another awkward face and a thumbs up, and Lucas and I began to eat. I heard what could've been two extremely high-pitched chihuahuas next to me squeal.

Just then, Mr Matthews cut in. "How ya doin'?" He grinned.

Riley's entire expression changed. From happy-little-girl-who-actually-has-a-chance-with-my-brother she became  oh-no-dad-go-away-you're-embarrassing-me-and-ruining-my-chances. It was horrible to see happy Riley fade away.

"Dad, you have a choice here. You can either understand that this is just a boy talking to me in the cafeteria-" Riley began to explain. Mr Matthews cut her off.

"I'm gonna do whatever you say next," he told her.

"But this is so innocent!" Riley pleaded.

"Honey, fathers don't see anything as innocent. We see it as...what's the opposite of innocent?" Maya and I raised our hands. "Right here!"

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