Girl Meets Friendship

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If I ever had to describe the worst few days of my life, it would probably have to be the Pre-Election Days. I'm serious, it was even worse than what me and Lucas got exp- uh, nevermind.

Anyway, even the chocolate holiness of a good bowl of Coco Pops couldn't lift my spirits that day. Lucas asked what was wrong.

"They're about to start elections and a little bird told me we get to do different types of office." I said monotonously.

"What's so bad about that?" He asked, half talking to me and half trying to cook scrambled eggs.

I rolled my eyes. "Farkle's running for dictator." The night before, we had texted about it. It was one of those infuriatingly tense and awkward conversations.

"So what's so-" Then he stopped, obviously thinking back to when we sold muffins. "Oh."

"Also, Riley mentioned something about a princess campaign. That means we're the only two in our gang who aren't running for anything. Besides Maya, but she doesn't count because she's on Riley's team." I smirked. "I'm going to nominate you for president, bro-bro."

Lucas sighed and poked his eggs. "Why me?" I reached over and stabbed some. "Wha- NO! MY EGGS!"

I talked to him as I ate, completely ignoring the glares of disapproval from our aunt who had just come down the stairs. "Because you've got charm and uh, moxy. Listen, I've been thinking. If you manage to get elected, you'll be Mr Perfect, and if anybody ever finds out what we did in Texas that got us sent here they won't be able to trace it legitimately. I mean, would you believe me if I told you Farkle was expelled from three different schools?"

When he shook his head, I grinned. "There you go. Hey Aunt Flo- Lukey is running for president! Prepare the poster board!"



"Our form of government where the power lies with the people!" I shouted, pointing to the board. Mr Matthews threw his hands up in defeat.

"Would ya just let teach my class?" He begged.

I shrugged and shifted a little in my seat. Something about today seemed off. Oh right. My brother was gone.

In the background, Mr Matthews continued talking about the various types of office. "So who here can tell me another form of government where the power doesn't lie with the people?" He asked. "Farkle!"

He grinned. "Thank you, sir. Dictators. Love 'em. They get to do whatever they want. I hope to be one someday."

Just then, Lucas opened the back door and hurried in.

"Mr. Friar!" Mr Matthews exclaimed as he came in.

"Sorry for being late, sir. My flight was delayed," Lucas explained, passing a slip of paper to Mr Matthews as he sat down.

"You went back to Texas again this weekend?" Riley asked. Maya blinked and did a double take.

"Wait. If she's here," she pointed to me. "-and you went home, why didn't she go with you?" I just shrugged.

"I don't have any friends back in Texas."

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Cmon, Hadley, sure you-"

"Lucas! No. Please." I hated when he tried to reason with me on something I had...y'know, set my heart on. Like when he tried to convince me our shih tzu Isabelle wasn't dead even though she had clearly been run over by Cletus' tractor.

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