Girl Meets The Forgotten

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I couldn't sleep that night.

Anybody wanna guess why?

Well, if you guessed 'oh wow Hadley you're still stressing about Farkle' then YES, yes I was. The amount of pros and cons were not the same. In fact, there were way more cons to list out than pros, which ultimately made this debate harder. For instance, one of them was:

-He kissed you, that's got to mean something. If you reject him you'll break his little Farkle heart. If you keep dating, he'll be happy.

But at what cost? I wasn't very willing to put my comfort and happiness out there just for Farkle's sake.

I did fall asleep sometime in the night, but the same question kept ringing in my head.

How do you just stop liking someone?


When Lucas and I got to school the next day all Riley and Maya would talk about was electives.

"I wonder what electives we're gonna get. I hope we get good ones," she said wistfully as she moved down the line. The cafeteria was packed as usual, so Maya had appointed me Seat-Searcher. I was supposed to look out for Farkle or Lucas.

"Why do they call them "electives" if they make us do them?" Maya asked, sliding her tray forward. I found the boys, then turned back to Maya and Riley.

"And why do they call it shop class? That was the biggest disappointment of my short and relatively uneventful little life," I groaned. Right as the words left my mouth, the second biggest disappointment came. Lunch was plopped down into my tray in all its gray and unappetizing goodness.

Riley looked down at her lunch. "Yum, blob," she said. The cook didn't really acknowledge her judgement, and the line moved.

"All right, no blob for me, please. Not because it's not good, only because there's no taste and no flavor," Maya tried avoiding it, but it was no use. The jiggly white mass ended up on her tray anyway.

I didn't bother protesting about the food. I personally thought Riley and Maya were being a little insensitive. "I made that myself, you know," the chef said.

"What do you call it?" I asked.
"I call it 'Tuesday'," she grinned. I blinked in confusion.
"It's Thursday."

The chef just smiled again. Just then, a roll was tossed in our general direction. "No throwing rolls!"

Riley, Maya and I left the line and walked to the table with Lucas and Farkle. They were building an impressive blob volcano, complete with little sprigs of parsley as islands. "Is that your scale model of Pompeii?" I asked Farkle as we sat down.

He shook his head no. "Just a village built dangerously near an active volcano."

"In other words, yes, Hadley- that's your scale model of Pompeii," I mumbled. Luckily, Farkle didn't hear me. He was too busy adding layer after layer of blob while Lucas supported the whole thing. The food went squish squish squish every time Farkle slapped on more.

Mr Matthews then walked over. He frowned, "Do you guys ever actually eat the food?"

Us kids exchanged looks, then shrugged. "No."

Maya stood up from her seat, kicking her chair back. "Hey, how do you guys actually make this thing erupt?" She asked as she dumped her orange soda into the mouth of the blobcano.

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