Girl Meets Farkle

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"A: Every human being is a unique collection of atoms.

"B: Some of you in this room might be human beings!" Mr Matthews said, shrugging. The day before, we had IQ testing, so I guess it opened yet another window of opportunity for a lecture.

"Or C: When you mess with atoms, or human beings, they blow up."

"BELGIUM 1831!" Farkle shouted, slamming his hands on the desk. Everyone's eyes widened, and Mr Matthews initiated Defcon Farkle. "Okay, everybody- it's happening right now, under your desk, Farkle's gonna blow!"

Farkle stood up shakily. "I know everything except Belgium 1831! And once I know that, I'll know everything and then my name goes on the board with those three idiots!" He declared, talking over the sound of people getting under their tables to hide from the nuclear bomb that was his impatience. I looked where he was gesturing towards and almost laughed when I saw Mozart, Einstein and Jobs.

"Breathe, Farkle," I said. He shook his head slightly.

"Too late," he replied. "I taste blue." He fell over, and everybody got back to their chairs. Maya flipped her hair majestically as Riley clamored back up.

"You know, with anyone else that would've been strange," she mused.

"But with Farkle- we don't even lift him off the floor anymore," Maya agreed. "Oh- here's your book." She dropped it on him, and Farkle coughed. I smiled and looked down at him on the floor. I was about to give one of my ever-helpful sarcastic comments when I was interrupted by a knock on the door. Well, not really interrupted, but I...nevermind.

"Sorry to interrupt, Mr Matthews, I'm here to speak with Farkle Minkus and Hadley Friar," the lady in blue said. What could she possibly want with us?

Mr Matthews looked at Farkle, still sprawling on the ground. "Hadley, Farkle, guidance counselor."

Farkle sat up. "Well it's about time!" He walked over to the guidance counselor with me. I saw Maya, Riley and Lucas get up and follow us to the front.

"Are you finally taking them away?" Riley asked, leaning on the teacher's desk.

"They go, we all go," Maya warned.

"I'm here so it's not just the girls," Lucas said, coming up behind us. The counselor looked at each of them in turn. Despite the incredulous looks they got they continued anyway. The whole concept of personal time and space was nothing but a memory by then.

"There are no secrets in our group," Riley went on, always smiling.

"Nothing can come between- okay," Maya said as the bell rang. She, Riley and Lucas left for the hallways.

She turned back to Farkle and I. "Farkle, Hadley, I have the results-"

"Of our IQ and aptitude tests? We're geniuses, right? You know how I know? It's because I'm a genius. There's no evidence to fight that, right Mr Matthews?" I said, grinning.

"I wouldn't know. I'm barely literate," he replied, and I burst out laughing. The guidance counselor laughed too, and I couldn't help noticing that her laugh was so feminine. Like, a little girl's laugh but thirty years older. Forget I ever said anything, this is just getting weird.

"Both your parents and guardians have given me permission to tell you two that yes, you both scored in the superior range," she said.

Farkle smiled at me, nudging my shoulder. "And our aptitude tests say we should consider careers in...?" He asked eagerly.

The guidance counselor flipped to another page in her binder, saying, "...ruling the world. Never seen that one!" She laughed. "The rest of the class falls within a more traditional range of careers. Although we did get one bunny farmer-"

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