Girl Meets Brother

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The station was buzzing as Riley, Maya and I walked out of the subway. Riley skipped out while Maya and I dragged our feet. Hey kids- here's a typical Riley and her two best friends- Slouchy and Mumbles.

"Well, another year we're not going to be cheerleaders!" Riley sighed, waving her pom-poms around.

I groaned. "Why do you make us do these things?"

"Pom-poms are stupid and pyramids made of humans freak me out. And what are these?" Maya added, staring at her legs.

"Those are your legs."

Maya squinted at them. "Have you ever seen anything so white?"

"One time when I looked into the sun," Riley smiled.

Maya blinked and shook her head. "These need to be put away. We have to go to Demolition right now and get clothes. Because you know they're gonna find out we took these things."

Riley was worried. "But my curfew's in fifteen minutes!"

"But they're having a sale," I said, joining Maya's side. "Vintage t-shirts."

"Ooh, I do love t-shirts that other people have already loved."

I rolled my eyes mentally. "You are the only person I know who has to be home by seven."

Maya piped up. "What time does Farkle have to be home?"

"Six, but only on- hey!" I exclaimed.

Both girls smirked at me. Luckily, I was saved by Riley's three-second attention span. "It's ridiculous. They treat me like a baby," she pouted.

Maya frowned. "Who?"

Riley shook her pom-poms around in frustration. "Ma-ma da-da. It's time I was treated like the woman I am. I am going to Demolition!"

Maya and I grinned. "That's the spirit!" Then, as Maya and I were about to walk off, I noticed Riley wasn't following. "You're not really coming, are you?"

"Nah. Wait. You know what? I am. I am old enough to stay out past seven o'clock. What's the damage for this, in both of your professional opinions?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Broken curfew? Nothing huge. Grounded, whole thing blows over by Wednesday."

Riley smiled. "Worth it! Let's go!!"

"Great, see ya Wednesday!"


We ended up buying more than we expected, returning to the Matthews household with at least one big bag each. As we burst through the door, Riley cried out, "I'm late, I'm late, I know I'm late!"

Mr Matthews glanced at his watch. I noticed Mrs Matthews and Riley's little brother Auggie on the couch, and I waved. "Seven minutes," Mr Matthews commented.

Maya and I tried to push her along. "Say nothing, keep walking," she advised but Riley didn't budge.

"No. This is a thing. Deal with your bad girl!"

Mrs Matthews crossed her arms. "Okay, where were you?"

Riley's face seemed to shine with pride. "Demolition. It's an alternative store. Where rebels go! And I bought this t-shirt I don't think you'll entirely approve of. Bleh!" She said, digging into her bag and pulling out the shirt she bought earlier. She held it up and her mother nodded.

Girl Meets The Real WorldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora