Girl Meets Home For The Holidays

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"Aw, what's the matter, your boyfriend's not here yet?"

"He's not my boyfriend!!" Mr Matthews shouted into the intercom, making Maya and I crack up. As we ascended in the lift, I asked about this Shawn fellow Mr Matthews was always talking about.

I leaned back, rolling back and forth on my heels as the elevator crawled up to the Matthews' place. "What's the deal with Mr Shawny over here?"

Maya rolled her eyes. "I don't even think he exists," she said simply.

When we walked into the Matthews's apartment, Maya repeated this, much to Mr Matthews's annoyance.

"He's real, Maya. I've known the guy my whole life, and he's real," he said tiredly.

"You're fun to play with," I replied and joined Maya where she was standing in front of Riley.

"Riley, we both got you presents," she was saying. I pulled a card out of my new coat and handed it to her.

Riley read from the card. "A donation's been made in your name to the Maya and Hadley New Winter Coat Fund." She looked over at Maya and I who were currently striking vogue-like poses. "Thank you, they're beautiful," Riley smiled.

I grinned. "I'm glad you like it."
"I never know what to get people," Maya sighed. "So what's the deal on the mysterious Uncle Shawn?" She added.

Riley frowned a little, seemingly deep in thought. She played with her hands while she answered Maya. "I don't see him a lot... I don't think he likes me."

"Riley," Mr Matthews scolded gently, if that's even a thing.

I turned my attention back to Riley. "How could somebody not like you? You're a purebred...pedigree Riley."

"Ask him and let me know," Riley said simply before walking off to another part of the house. Just then, the intercom buzzed again. Mr Matthews darted to the door, slamming against it and yelling, "SHAWN?!" as he pressed the button.

An old, gravelly voice came through. Shawn was that old? "No, it's your parents." Oh. That explains the voice.

"Rats!" Mr Matthews mumbled but the old man caught it.

"Let me explain how a speaker box works." He said. Then a woman's voice started speaking.

"These holidays are important to me, Alan," she said, sounding desperate for a good Christmas. "How much of a fiasco do you think it's gonna be?"

Mr Matthews grimaced and looked back at his wife, who was smiling in a I-told-you-so fashion. "Hideous already!" He whisper yelled. However, seeing as he was a history teacher and he did not understand that whisper yelling does not apply to speaker boxes when you are standing right in front of them, his parents heard.

"Let me explain how a speaker box works," the old man said again. Mr M buzzed them up.

Mrs Matthews held up a pot. "How about I throw this pot at you?" She suggested to Mr Matthews.

Meanwhile, said grown man was baby-talking an ornament that read Cory and Shawn 4-Eva! "They don't think you're real, but I know you are!" He cooed. Then a pot flew over his head, landing softly on a couch cushion. "She tried to hurt you, Shawny!"

I scoffed and rolled onto the couch, thinking that this was going to be a long day.

But right as I was about to get my beauty sleep, the doorbell rang. "Grandma, grandpa!" Auggie yelled and bolted for the door. I didn't bother lifting my head from the cushions of the Matthew's sofa.

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