Girl Meets Runaway

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A/N: This is another filler chapter- a short one- because Mr Squirrels was all about Riley and Maya but that's not who this book is about, is it? I felt like there wasn't enough emphasis on the bond and on the struggles Lucas and Hadley face together and separately, but as siblings. Also, I want to address the Harkle status, which I've been sweeping under thr carpet for far too long. I wanted to write this to get the scene out of my head and also because I felt super guilty for torturing Hadley all the time :( This short chapter is about her relationship with the two most important boys in her  life.

@alohiha convinced me to turn the story around from the original draft with her adorable comments, so thanks much! This chapter is for you!


"Mrs Matthews, have you seen Hadley?"

"What? No, I haven't Lucas, it's late. Is something wrong?"

"Hadley left the house and now we can't find her anywhere. She must've got up when my aunt and I were asleep."

"Oh my God. Well, where do you think she might have gone?"


"If she were to go back to the house then I would just wait-"

"She went home. To Texas."


You have 54 missed calls.

I sighed and stuffed my phone in the pocket of my jacket. The night chill was especially nippy that night, and even a scarf and a windbreaker couldn't keep out the cold.

New York was super bipolar with the weather, as I had come to realize the hard way. Double checking that my ticket was still with me, I leaned against the metal pillar, breathing in the cool, damp air.

I exhaled through my pursed lips and imagined I were blowing cigarette smoke. You ran away from home, I told myself. You're a bad girl now.

An hour or so passed while I occupied myself with my imagination, drawing up fantasies and wonderful things about home. The train pulled into the station.

"This train is bound for Austin, Texas," a deep, gravelly voice announced. I clutched the end of my scarf and walked into the cabin stiffly, hoisting my duffel bag onto my shoulder.

I  found my seat and took it, shoving my bag under. A wizened old woman sat behind me. She had small, pale eyes and immediately took out her knitting.

The true gravity of what I had done didn't strike me until the final moment.

"Please take your seats. We will be departing in fifteen minutes."


My head snapped up. I turned all around frantically, looking through the windows, until I spotted them- Farkle and Lucas, running toward the platform at full speed.

I stood up, accidentally elbowing the old woman's needles apart.

"Watch yourself, ya drongo!" She yelled in a thick accent.

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