One Little Mistake

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Washington D.C.'s POV.:

'Yay another meeting' I thought to my self, and no not a World Meeting, were they probably get things done, (oh how wrong u r DC,) no this meeting was the State Meeting.

The North and South states that fought in the Civil War were all lined up just like in the Civil War; it looked like they were going to have a Civil War 2!

There were states that were on both sides of the Civil War; so those states tried to break them up. They tried.

Texas who was part of the Civil War, but wasn't really the one to fight about it, and he was one if the farthest states; so he wasn't really affected by the war.

So back to Texas he was just chatting, and talking about how the other states ack so childishly, with his 4 states: Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico.

Nevada and California most likely talking about places they should visit after the meeting, but California was the one talked most part. Nevada was just on his phone while nodding and saying a few 'uhu' sounds. Since it was pretty boring, cause they were missing New York from there Trouble Trio group.

Then the two Dakotas were piking on Montana and Idaho. On how there names are spelled. (Idaho=I-da-ho Montana=Hannah Montana.)

Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota were watching the "Civil War 2". While eating popcorn, and making a few comments on the apparent "movie".
They were kinda the triplets out of the 50 states.

Kansas and Arkansas were fighting over who stole the others name. Iowa and Oklahoma were trying to break them up; while Nebraska and Wyoming cheered them on, and making bets on who would win this time.

Washington and Oregon were one of the quietest states, but don't under estimate them, EVER.

The there was Hawaii being chased around by Alaska with a pipe. Yeah everything was norm- wait a PIPE! Before I can even get up Hawaii runs out of the room with Alaska right on her tail. I run after the two youngest states; I ran after them all around the building turning left and right. 'They sure run fast for 10-9 year olds'.

I have been chasing them and they can still creep up there stamina! I just turned a corner, and see the two run into a room. I run right after them; I burst into the room. I was getting weird stares from all the people in the room. I ignored them and picked up Alaska's pipe. I picked it up with my hand; with Alaska still clinging on it 'talk about clingy'.

"Alaska, let go" I said sternly to the platinum haired state. He just replied with a short "no". I sighed "if you promise not to hit anyone or anything with it I'll let you have it, kay?" He just gave me a nod, and I let go. Eight when I let go Hawaii jumped into my arms; she still didn't want to be hit by Alaska even though he promised he wouldn't.

"Hey dude, what are you doing here?!" Yelled an all to familiar voice. I looked up from Hawaii and saw.


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