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3rd Person POV.:

DC, Alaska, and Hawaii have been looking for there meeting room for a while.

"Big sis, are we there yet?" Hawaii asked for the thousandth.

"We've only been walking for 4-5 minutes, and for the last time we'll be there when we'll be there" DC replied for the thousandth time.

"That still doesn't make any seance" Hawaii wined.

"Stop wining were almost there" DC said starting to get a little bit irritated by the little 9 year old.

"Ugh, fine" the brunette replied in defeat; and all this time Alaska was just smiling, and getting a dark aura every time they argued. Kinda like a certain Russian we all love and know.

~Time Skip brought to you by Alaska's pet Moose eating Canada's hair~

Finally they got to the meeting room; with a panting Hawaii.

They burst threw the doors,but everyone ones still fighting or talking. Only Montana and Idaho had noticed there arrival.

"DC your back!" The two neighboring states replied.

"Yeah, yeah I'm back, but I need to get everyone's attention" the two states replied since they know how loud DC can get, and she would probably use her gun to get there attention. So they just sat down with the other two younger states.

DC got her pistol out and shot at the ceiling; everyone stopped to look at her, and it was dead silent. "NOW YOU ALL STOP FIGHTING, SHUT UP, AND SIT YOUR ASSES DOWN!"
Right when the capital finished they all sat down in the closest seat they could fined with straight backs. "Thank you" DC said going back to her normal calm self. "Now everyone we need to go to the World Meeting room".

"For what?" They asked in unison.

"Well... we kinda got found out by all the countries" she replied while looking down in shame.

"WHAT?!" they all asked with worry.

She just replied with a nod and a "mhm".

" So your tellin' us that you want too introduce all of us to all the countries?" Texas asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah since they mostly likely will ask were are all the other 48 states? And other things like that, so better do it now the later" DC replied with a descent answer.

"Makes sense, well when do we get to meet 'em?" Texas asked with all the others nodding in reply.

"Yeah, when can we meet them DC?" Replied an eager Rhode Island; he was the smallest state so he kinda has the personality, and looks of a 13 year old.

"If you guys just follow me to the meeting room you can meet them" she replied to both the states questions.

"Then let's go dudes!" New York yelled while jumping out of his seat, and pointing to the door.

"Well the follow me", and without another word they all left with Americas capital in the lead.

~time skip brought to you by Iggy's horrible scones~

"DC you sure we aren't lost?" Delaware, the oldest out of all the states, asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure" DC replied confidently.

"That's what you said the last 5 times someone asked you" Nevada said "just admit it DC, you have no idea of where we're going".

"No I know where we're going" she replied still confident.

States in Hetalia + one CapitalWhere stories live. Discover now