Wake Up Call

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3rd Person POV.:
(It's easier this way)

It's been a few days after the big lecture DC had given the states.

Right now America was sleeping in his chair while drooling all over his paperwork and snoring loudly. A loud nick was heard on the door. Immediately Americas head flew up at the sound of someone knocking on his door.

"I-I'm up" he said sleepily. While his head was about to fall back into the hard wooden desk. The door slammed open reviewing a determined Capitol aka DC herself.

"Guess what I got planed for us big bro" she exclaimed while she practically flew over to him. 

"What is it?" The country asked while looking at her with a sleepy expression that screamed 'leave me be peasant I want to sleep', but DC ignored it and slammed what looked like there passports onto his desk.

"Why did you bring me our passports?" Asked America looking up at his sister with a questioning look.

"Where having a vacation of course!" She said happily bouncing around with glee. Americas eyes shot open at the word vacation. He jumped up from his seat while knocking over his chair in the proses looking at his blond sister in determination.

"We are fucking going on that vaca" he said while pointing at the passports on his desk. Then realization struck him, "but what about the states?" He said while his eyes saddened.

"I got that covered don't worry" she smiled widely at her country, "just get packed and be ready in about 1 hour, Kay?" America just nodded in reply while going to his room and starting to pack.

DC ran down the halls into her room grabbing her phone off her bed and running out the door while slamming it shut after she exited her room. She soon disabled a number.

"Hey West" she said in a sweet voice. You could hear grumbling on the other side.

"What?" He asked. Probably just woken up since it was 6:00 in the morning after all.

"Can you get everyone to the living room, please?" She asked the half asleep state on the other side of the phone.

"Ask someone else who isn't asleep" and with that West Virginia had hung up on the Capitol. DC grumbled and dialed another number.

"Hello?" A voice came from the other side of the line.

"Hey New York can ya do me a fav-" the call was ended before she could even finish. "Asshole" grumbled DC under her breath. She was in the living room now sitting on the ground thinking who else she could call.

'West Virginia and New York are a no. Not Alaska or Hawaii. Rhode Island is definitely a no. Not Louisiana, California, Nevada, or Texas. Can't ask Florida or any of the four squares. Not any of the twins. Or Mew Hampshire, Kentucky, Connecticut, Idaho, Wyoming. Or- Wait I got it'

She quickly dialed another number hoping that he'd pick up.

"What is is DC?" Asked a tired voice.

"Hey Maine could you wake everyone up and bring them to the living room, please?" She asked no begged the state while making puppy eyes even though she knew he couldn't see them.

-On the other side of the phone-

"Hey Maine could you wake everyone up and bring them to the living room, please?" The state heard DC's voice on the other side of the phone. Maine could just imagine her giving him those puppy eyes. 'Those damn puppy eyes!' He sat up on the bed and sighed.

"Fine" The state said while putting on some clothes for the day.

"Oh my God Maine your a life saver! Thank you! Thank you! Thank y-" Maine just hung up one her not wanting to hear all those thank you's.

"Sometimes she can be a real pain in the ass can't she?" He asked his Chibi Moose. His moose just hugged in reply and they both started to walk toward Rhode Island's room.

(Yep a moose even though it's a Chibi moose its head goes up to about Maine's knees. Plus it's a super cute moose Chibi at that!)

They got to Rhode's room and Maine didn't even bother knocking he just slammed open the door which had woken up the small sleeping state. He let out a girlish streak and pulled the covers above his head. Maine burst out laughing at how girlish the smaller state sounded.

"You sound like a little girl when you scream," laughed out Maine. Those just grumbled while giving a death glare toward the larger state.

"Why the hell are you here anyway?" asked Rhode while sitting up in his bed and running his eyes trying to get rid of the drowsiness from his eyes.

"Looking for a speaker," the other male replied back simply while searching around in RI's room.

"And why?" the small state asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"And why are you a little bitch? The world may never know. Now tell me where your speaker is," Maine glared at the smaller state which made Rhode Island shiver in fear. Maine could be one of the scariest states out of the 50 and he knew it so he usually used it to his advantage. RI shakily pointed toward a box at the Farr end of his messy room. Maine nodded and started making his way through the stuff on the floor trying not to step on anything. Not cause he didn't want to break it; it was cause he didn't want to hart hisself.

He made his way to the box picked it up and turned around while opening the box he got out the speaker turning it on, but when he did stepped on a Lego peace. "FUCKING HELL!!!" He screamed out through the speaker which had broken the closest window to him.

He could hear screams and shouts coming from the hall. He quickly turned off the speaker and got the Lego off his foot. "Well shit," he said while running out until the hallway. Almost every state was out of there rooms grumbling.

"Maine what the fuck?!" Screamed New Hampshire while glaring at the state with the speaker I his hand. Maine looked behind him and saw a pissed off New Hampshire; she might be a sweet and kind state, but if you wake her up without coffee ready at hand to calm her down you where basically asking for a death sentence. Maine rubbed the back off his head in nervousness.

"Well I was supposed to wake you all up and bring you guys to the living room" New Hampshire just grumbled and yanked the speaker out of the males hand. She turned it on and put it in front of her mouth.

"ALL OF YOU FUCK TARDS GO TO THE DAMN LIVING ROOM NOW!!!" She screamed into the speaker everyone rushed into the living room where DC was waiting.

Everyone took a seat in the living room with a few grunts, whines, and yawns.

"So you guys know why your here right?" Asked DC looking at the states. Everyone just shook there heads and looked at DC either fear. What did they do wrong this time of who did something wrong this time? Went through every single states head.

"Mommy what's with all the noise?" Asked a small voice. All the states looked toward the doorway and saw a little Alaska and Hawaii.

"Nothing you guys can go back to sleep" DC said with a sweet voice while shooing off the young states.

"How come they get to leave, but not us?" Complained Pennsylvania while yawning and laying his head onto Ohio who was sleeping on New York.

"Cause there cute and chibis" she stated simply.

"Are you saying I'm no-" Pennsylvania shut up right away when he saw DC's glare. If looks could kill Pen would be skinned alive then burned then sent straight to hell.

"So America and I are going in a vacation" she said, but before anyone could comment she glared at all of the states, "There will be a few of you I charge and those states are going to be...

Cliffhanger! And thanks @TheEquinox (on Quotev) for the suggestions! (=ω)

Well that took me awhile to write plus my fingers are about to fall off by typing so much.


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