Don't piss off Montana

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3rd Person POV.:

"There will be a few of you I charge and those states are going to be Texas, Delaware, Maine, Florida, Georgia, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Nevada" DC announced while ending there 'meeting' and leaving the room.

After she left the room she meat up with America and they headed off with out another word toward the airport. (What great parents, eh?)

-Back in the Living room-

"Well you guys heard her me, Delaware, Maine, Florida, Georgia, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Nevada are in charge till they get back!" Yelled Texas breaking the silence.

"Why you?!" Whined Rhode Island while falling onto the ground dramatically.

"Why are you a state!" Snapped back the short tempered state while reaching for his holster about to get out his pistol, but was stopped by Georgia.

"Tex just cause your in charge doesn't me you get to shoot people without a reason" Texas just grumbled in response.

"Wait what are we supposed to do now?" Asked New York looking at all his brothers, sisters, cousins, step siblings, you know what I mean. Most the other states just shrugged while a few of the where still asleep.

"Shouldn't we wake them up first?" Asked Maine while looking at all the sleeping states and trying to get a drooling Vermont off of him. He tried punching the others states face, but drool got onto his hand and quickly wiped it off on Connecticut who was sitting next to him.

"What the hell Maine?!" Shrieked confetti it while whiling it off of him and onto Iowa, and it continued like that till it got to Texas who was about to rip Nevada's arm off for rubbing it on him. Everyone gulped while staring at a pissed off Texas and everyone knew a pissed off Texas is worse than being chased by a herd off rattle snakes, anacondas, and alligators put together.

Then all of a sudden the doors opened and a little crying Hawaii and a glaring Alaska came through the door.

The aura around Texas instantly brightened and he started to play with little Hawaii like a father/uncle/older brother type of way.

Everyone sighed glad that the bomb aka Texas was defused.

Ohio opened his eyes and felt something wet slowly trickle down his right arm he looked to his right and saw Pennsylvania drooling on him.

"Disgusting dude! What the hell?! Don't fucking drool on me!" Yelled out Ohio catching everyone's attention besides Texas and Alaska's since Alaska was trying to beat the older state with a pipe.

"What the hell are you screaming about?" Pennsylvania asked while rubbing the drowsiness out of his eyes and looking around him taking in his surroundings.

"You where drooling all over me!" Yelled Ohio while whiling Pennsylvania's salamis onto its owner. Pennsylvania just shrugged and latex his head onto Maine's shoulder, but Maine pushed the states face away from his shoulder not wanting to get saliva on himself.

Pennsylvania grumbled and stretched out his arm trying to loosen up his stiff body.

"God where never going to get anythin' done if we act like stupid children" sighed out Alabama while shaking her head. Mississippi nodded in agreement with the other souther state.

Louisiana started making his way out of the room, but was pulled back by Idaho. "What the hell Idaho?!" He said while reaching for the exit, but was being pulled back by the female state.

"No Loui you aren't going to be let off the hook that easily" she said pulling him even further away from the door.

"Leave me be I-da-ho" said the male state while using Idaho's nickname. Her grasp on Louisiana's collar became stronger and she was about to punch him, but Montana pulled Louisiana away from her.

"What the hell Montana! I had a perfectly clear shot!" She yelled at the larger state while grumbling under her breath.

"Aww is little Hannah Montana showing his soft spot" teased Louisiana with a stupid smirk forming on his lips.

Montana quickly stopped in his tracks and looked toward Louisiana with such an evil glare even Alaska shivered. Everyone sweat dropped when they saw his deadly glare while Louisiana was trying to get out of the other states death grip.

"What did you call me?" Asked Montana with and aura and a smile like Russia's.

"I think the Devil took over Montana" whispers South Dakota, but loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

Montana quickly raised his fists and punched Louisiana so hard he slammed against the wall with a loud thud and a crack was now on the wall after the state slid down in a cartoonish manner off the wall.

Montana quickly regained is normal self with a bright warm aura like Finland's and he walked out the room with I-da-ho quickly following behind to make sure he doesn't break anything out of anger.

Everyone else stared wide eyed at Louisiana.

"To be honest you totally deserved it" stated Washington while shrugging his shoulders and taking a sip of whatever that was in his Starbucks cup.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I had a pretty shirt day today since we where going to my grandparents other house which is in Georgetown, Texas, and we had to drive there along the way my little sister almost threw up on me then after we left Buckys (it's like a large gestation with a bunch of food and merchandise) we headed to Georgetown then I almost pissed my self and my step mom almost crashed the car like 3 times so yeah! I had a pretty shitty day, but hope you guys had a great one! Bye now!:3

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