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3rd Person POV.:

After all the states introduced them selves too the nations; all the states started too converse with there used too be father/nation/whatever.

Mexico was chasing Texas around the room; Spain was talking with his used too be states, Florida, Utah, New Mexico, California, Colorado, Arizona, and Nevada, and offering them tomatoes.

France was of course talking with Louisiana, (since Louisiana has the same personality as France, and he looks a lot like France, but short brow hair,) but he also conversed with all his other states, and he hugging Oklahoma too death about how cute she was and stuff. (Poor Ok)

Then England and was trying too get away from the first 13, but mostly New York and Georgia; while Rhode Island was on his back; while ther rest of his states stood there and watched the chaos unfold. (What a family.)

Russia was fine with Alaska since they both like pipes, snow, death, scarves, and sunflowers, plus they both have a creepy aura.

Japan was trying too talk too Hawaii, but the poor child was scared of him still, cause of WW2.

Italy started talking with Conneticut; since the Italian state isn't really the runner, and got tired of running after England.

Prussia and Pennsylvania were having the time of there lives laughing at how England was getting beaten up by his own states. Of course Penny would have loved too hit the Brit, but he
figured watching was more fun.

The entire time the countries and the states were conversing, and suff; America and DC just watched with smiles on there faces.

~Time Skip brought to you by Idaho and her love of Potatoes~

After everyone went home from the meetings too go take a long rest, besides the US household of course. Yeah, that place was a total caos.

Since a little state, Hawaii, didn't get her food she was hungry, and was begging Georgia for his peaches. But Georgia would never, and I mean NEVER, let anyone have his peaches; so he started chasing the poor kid.

Then Hawaii turned a sharp corner, and Georgia fell onto New York.

While Georgia was yelling curses at the Hawaiian girl, he didn't relies New York was under him.

"What the hell are you doing on top of me asshole?!" New York yelled at Georgia.

"I fell dumbass! And stop fucking yellin' at me!" Georgia retorted at the dirty blond state.

New York pushed the state off of him and stood up, "Well you better watch where you fall, slave state!"

"The hell you call me boy?" Georgia asked, getting a few other states attentions.

"A slave state, that's what!" New York yelled in an even louder tone.

All of a sudden Alabama came out of the crowd. "Who the hell ya callin' a slave state, Yankee?!"

Then Massachusetts joined in. "You that's who!"

"You wanna say that too my face?!" Mississippi asked; and then one by one the states that where in the Civil War were arguing, but some like Maryland, who was on neither side of the Civil War, tried too break it up, but she was ignored.

In another part of the house was Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. Right now Nevada one his 5th game against California in gambling, but of course California was having non of that shit so she said that Nevada was cheating. Even though Nevada was a great lier, and cheater, he didn't need too lie or cheat cause California wasn't as well skilled in poker as he was.

Utah was watching in silence while sitting next to Nevada.

Colorado was just chatting away with New Mexico and Arizona not even caring about what they were doing.

In another part of the house was the Dakotas, Idaho, and Montana. Somehow Montana got duck taped too the wall, and half Montana's body was glued too a wardrobe.

Some where else Arkansas and Kansas were having a fight. While Wyoming and Nebraska cheered the two on. 

Oklahoma was in the kitchen getting some food, but then Ohio threw an egg at her head; she might be a small state, but don't piss her off. Yeah that turned into a full on food fight then some how Ohio, Indian, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Minesota, and Wisconsin got dragged into it.

Now you might be wondering where DC and America have been well they just came back from the store, and they both came home too a house that was full of fighting states. Yay for them.

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