Chapter 9

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I was surprised at how many people turned up. Other than the boys, Lily and Mr and Mrs Potter, I knew the 10 other people who came. There was are neighbours Mr and Mrs Chambers with their son Hamish and Dumbledore, Moody, Kinsley then four people who I thought hated our family which was Mr and Mrs Groves and their kids Natasha and Ethan. The vicor held the ceremony "Now Miss Gold" he says people clapped and I stood up. I was trying not to cry or show that I was shaking. "First I'm sure my brother would appreciate you all coming he was like that forgiving and kind. Sometimes to kind. When my parents first brought my little brother home I didn't know what to do I was sort of hoping for a puppy" I start making people chuckle. "His first word was actually Sissy which made me happy but mum and dad not so much. I guess he loved me more than I realise till now, he would always pester me to play a game or teach him something and read him. Story before bed after checking for monsters, I grew up like a second mother. When he was discovered to be ill we had no parents and so I did everything, we grew closer." I continue, I wipe away a few tears. "I was accepted to school after school because I got expelled a lot. Sammie would always say when he got to Hogwarts he would be there when I got kicked out of every other school. I told him stories of everything and he laughed and we spoke of the future and I almost forgot he was ill. Then my Hogwarts letter came and he told me he'd be there next year and I was glad, then I got told he had not long left. During lesson I ran to be there, to save him. We spoke and knew that he was going to die and I felt betrayal, anger, guilt and sadness. I held him like I did when he was a baby till he was gone and now as we say goodbye I have no emotions. The betrayal is gone, the anger is gone, the guilt and sadness is gone and all I'm left is nothing" I say, I take a breath and look over "Sammie wasn't just my brother who died to young, who marveled in everything around him. He was my best friend, my other half and I know I will be lost without him. But for now till we meet again I wish you all the best baby brother" I finish. People were crying and I go back to my seat, Lily hugged me as I cried.
The ceremony finished and people apologise and leave, flowers and toys lay on his grave beside my parents. I sit in front of his grave, someone sits beside him "He's okay now, he's safe" Sirius whispered kissing my head. I lean on him and nod.

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