Chapter 12

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"GET THE DOOR TWITCH!" Prongs yells, I laugh and open it to find Padfoot. "What happened?" I ask tilting his face to examine the cut on his face caused by a ring. "I got disowned" he replied. "MA! PA! YOU GOT A NEW KID!" I yell, mum (Mrs Potter) enters and smiles "Oh Sirius come on let's clean that up" she says. I ruffle his hair and he glares. James jumps on me and I hit the floor "PADDY I MISSED YOU!" He screams trying to get up. "JAMES YOU KNOCKED YOUR SISTER OVER AGAIN!" Pa yelled. Mum laughs a little as I shove James off and go to the kitchen to grab n ice pack which I apply to my head before sighing in relief "So Paddy what happened to your good looks?" Prongs asks. I sit on the side "How many times do I have to say this Lizzie buts off the counter!" Mum says. I get off then get back on "I don't think he even had any" I answer. Sirius looks at me "I had better looks than you" he replied as mum cleans his cut "Oh pur-lease I am the most fabulous person ever" I say throwing my hands up. Our parents roll their eyes but smile at our antiques "When is Lily coming round?" Pap asks. I look at my watch "Next week in three minutes" I answer, Sirius chuckles and gets up standing in front of me "Hey look your finally as tall as me" he says. I glare "it's called funsize" I retaliate, he picks me up and puts me down. I huff and go to my room. This was going to be a hetic summer.

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