Chapter 28

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"Sirius!" I exclaim as he wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. "Whatttt?" He whines as I start to unpack at our home in Godric's Hollow. Lily and James lived next door, Remus was off the grid now. We got married a year ago, a cry sounds and Sirius groans since Phoenix is now awake. Phoenix Elizabeth Black, I pull away and go to her nursery picking her up, she was born on the same day as Harry who was Lily's baby boy. They were born an hour apart, Harry was older. Remus was the godfather, Phoenix looked a lot like me already accept her eyes which were definitely Sirius's. I change her nappy before putting her to bed, we had Peter as a secret keeper along with Lily and James. We had to go into hiding because Voldemort was going to hurt my baby. No one hurts my baby.
"I'll get the baby stuff then meet you at Lily's okay?" Sirius asks, I nod and kiss his lips as I hold Phoenix. He kisses her nose making her giggle, I go next door and Lily hugs me. I see Harry and chuckle "He looks so much like James" I say making Lily laugh as we sit with them. "JAMES!" Lily yells, we watch as the babies play when it happened. "Take Harry and Phoenix and go!" He orders. Phoenix was special and that's why Voldemort wanted her dead. Because of her powers. I run with Lily and we put stuff in front of the doors, I place Phoenix next to Harry in the cot and we stand in front of the cage as the door burst open "Step aside" he hisses. I shake my head as we plead for him not to kill them. As he shoots green light the poisonous words falling off his dark tongue I fall into the dark abliss....

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