Chapter 10

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The rest of the year went by with not much drama other than the Marauders finally telling me they were Animunguses like me. We helped Moony (Remus) on full moon and I started to develop a crush on Sirius was blooming. It was Spring/ Summer time and just after our last exam so the boys and I were by the lake why Lily had to go speak to Dumbledore.
"Oi look it's Snivellous" Prongs (James) says, I sigh. Snivellous was the name they came up with for Severus Snape and although I don't dislike nor like him I do agree that the name does suit him just don't tell Lily. It happened all so fast and Snape was now dangling in the air which was quite dangerous, I saw Lily running towards us and knew James was in for it. "POTTER!" Lily yells, "PUT HIM DOWN!" She screams. James luckily does as asked just not nicely. Snape gets up "I don't need help from a filthy mudblood" he snaps, I glare and clench my fists. "DON'T CALL HER THAT!",I scream as Lily runs off crying. I can't remember what happened next all I do know is that he shot a spell and I hit the floor in pain. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" The voices blurred, "Liz" a voice whispered. I feel myself get picked up then darkness.
She will not die on me. No sir. We run to the hospital wing not caring if we left blood on the way and I don't think Filch will either. "Get Lily" I tell Prongs who nods and runs off with Peter. Remus and me enter the wing and Poppy gasps in shock and some of the patients look afraid as we place her down. The boy she was treating made her come over "What happened?" She asks looking we shrug "A spell was shot at us and hit her" Remus answered. She nods and gets to work making us leave. We sit outside the door as Lily runs down we catch her before she can go in "Poppy is healing her we have to wait" Remus says. James sits beside me, the ache in my heart was growing the longer we waited. I should've protected her. I should've saved her.

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