Chapter 17

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Lessons were easy, I pretended like everything was okay but only the girls knew I wasn't. Sirius kept getting distracted a lot apparently but he ignores me. I hardly ever see him and it feels like I have done something wrong so I am on a search for him. We got the news that the ball was on Christmas eve and now everyone was asking somebody including me who had 5 people and we had only know for 2 hours. None was who I wanted and I told them no. I was going up the stairs when I saw the worst thing ever. Vermilda Hide kissing Sirius Black and he was kissing her back. My heart broke. Of course it was her. My vision blurred and I ran down towards the dorms but crash straight into Remus "Hey shh what happened?" He asks. "Sirius is kissing Vermilda",I stutter. "Come on" James says, Lily, Peter, Remus and James all drag me back to where it was occurring. Lily decided to take me back.
It was wrong. I knew that. There was a cough and we pull away, Remus, Peter and James. "Hi" she says sweetly, they wave me over and I walk over. Remus then punched me in the jaw, so does James. Peter whispered something to them and they nod, "What?" I ask. Remus growls "Your an utter ass you know that?" He asks. I frown he was only protective when it came to Lily and Lizzie. "Lizzie?" I whisper. But something was wrong I felt ill. "Sirius?" They ask as I fall. "It's called love potion with a special hint enjoy" Vemilda says before walking off. "Get him to the hospital wing now." James says but I shake him off "Nooo" I whine.
Peter came behind us "Sirius hospital wing got drugged" he breaths out and with that I turn and run. I make it and see the boys and Poppy, she looks as I run in. She smiles "He's going to be just fine, that was awful that girl made him loose all sense over his mind and heart poor boy. Don't worry he will wake in a hour" she says walking off. "Hey we will leave you" James whispered. I nod and sit on his bed holding his hand as I wait.

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