Chapter 26

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"We are going to be okay" Lily says, she was staying with us so she would be protected. Sirius pulls me onto his lap, hugging me from behind. "You two are so adorable" James says, I smile and kiss Sirius on the cheek making him smile. Remus smiles at the pair of us, "I've been thinking" I say. Sirius touches my head "Are you well?" He asks, making me glare "When we have graduated, I am going to join the order" I say. Lily smiles "I was going to do that" she says, the boys look at us and nod "Together" they chorus and we all grin.

Skip the holidays
"What's going on?" Lily questions as the train comes to a hault, Sirius holds my hand and pulls me closer. Remus looks up from his book, Peter was somewhere and James was holding Lily's hand. "I don't know" I say, a small girl ran into our compartment "Hey what's wrong?" I ask. She whimpers and I pull her to me and hold her so she would feel okay, the door opened and a death eater entered "Reducto!" I say pointing my wand and he shoots out hitting the floor. I give the girl to Sirius who looks a bit unsure "Lumunos" I whispered. My wand lit up and I hesitantly walked down the corridor, I check in and make sure people were okay. I get to a compartment of first years and see them scared and see Fenrir Greyback. I raise my finger to my lips as they see me, "Turn around" I say. He turns and looks at me a smirk on his lips, "Elizabeth Gold" he hisses. Before he can do anything though "Reducto!" I say and he gets hit out the window. The kids grin and hug me, I laugh and hug them back "It's okay now" I whispered. The lights come back on and then the train moves. I hear footsteps and Sirius appears, he smiles when he sees me "I was scared for you" he tells me kissing my head. I roll my eyes, "Are you engaged?" One of the girls ask. I shake my head "No it's a promise ring," Sirius says. They nod and we sit down for no more eventful train visits.

The girl who changed the MaraudersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora