Chapter 11

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It had been a week and we still weren't allowed in, that was as we sat in the grand hall did the doors open and a girl skipped in. I got up and grinned, she smiles at me and runs into my arms. I pick her up and hold her close as I spin her. Prongs, Moony and Lily follow in sync. She sits down between me and Prongs and leans her head on my shoulder "Food" she mumbles. I laugh and pass her my chocolate she smiles and kisses my cheek. "Why thank you Mr Padfoot" she says, "Your welcome Mrs-" I start "Padfoot?" Prongs questions and we both glare at him making him and everyone else laugh.

"I don't want to go home" Lily complained, "Then stay with meee" Twitch sings. She laughs and shakes her head "No, I can't anyway we have to meet up" Lily replied. Twitch lays down with her head in my lap and feet on Moony. She looks up at me and smiles which I return.
"We are here" Prongs says, I wake up Twitch who grabs her stuff and we all say goodbye. My parents hurry me away and I groan, I hate this. Twitch quickly runs over and pulls me into another tight hug before kissing my cheek "Come to us if need be" she says before running off. "Who was that?" Reg asks, "Only one of my best friends ever Elizabeth Gold" I reply. My 'parents' look annoyed at me, we apperate home and they hit me "HOW DARE YOU HANG WITH THAT SCUM!" She shrieks. "I'M LEAVING AND NEVER COMING BACK!" I yell running to grab a few extra of my stuff. I go back down to see them burning off my picture. Disowned.

The girl who changed the MaraudersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora