Chapter 27

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"This years head boy is James Potter and this years head girl is Lily Evans" Dumbledore says. I waggle my eyebrows as I clap making Lily blush while James threw his arm around her shoulders making us laugh.

"Can you stay with me?" Sirius asks as I go to leave their dorm, the boys shrug not caring. James wasn't in this dorm no he shared one with Lily. I nod and climb in next to him, I lay my head on his chest and he kisses my head while I wrap my arms around him. "No funny business" Remus mumbles and we laugh "We won't" we chorus. I listen to his heart for a few moments before sleep took me.

I woke the next morning to silence and frowned before sitting up, all the boys were asleep. Sirius had his arm around my waist still and pulls me closer, I wake him and he sits up and looks around "Why is it so quiet?" He whispered. I shrug, "Let's change then get breakfast" he tells me. I nod and kiss his lips. Minnie gave us our timetables after staring at us in shock for being awake so early. "Oh and Miss Gold, I would like to say what you did on the train was brilliant" she says. I blush and look down "It was nothing honest." I reply, she smiles "Well you now have a lot of students looking up to you" she says. I smile "Well in my free time I might join your lessons, I like kids and a teaching post will be great",I say and she nods.
7 th year end. (Not sure what to write)
It was the last feast before we leave tomorrow and never come back, we got a prank gift for Moony of a professor case because he would be an awesome DADA teacher. Lily and James are together and going strong, Peter, Marlene and of course Alice and Frank are still my friends and we have laughs together but I would be lost without my boyfriend Sirius. Dumbledore stood "I have a few points to give, to Mr James Potter I award 100 points for finally capturing Miss Lily Evans heart",he says. All though we had already won the cup this was quite funny as Lily went red and hid her face in James who laughed and kissed her head. "A young man asked me if I could get everybody to be silent why he makes a speech. Please welcome Mr Sirius Black" Dumbledore finished. I looked at Sirius "What are you doing?" I whisper and he smirked getting up on the table. "Alright so as many of you know last Christmas I let you meet the girl I loved with all my heart, and I still do. Elizabeth Angelica Gold" he says. I blush and look down silently killing him as people awed. Remus smirked at me and I glared, "Now Elizabeth I would like you to come up" he says before helping me stand. I groan but do, he smiles "Lizzie I wouldn't be able to live without you, your my soul mate, an angel, a goddess who could capture anyone's heart with a single smile. But you chose me. Now I hate nothing about you, accept one thing." He continues. I frown "What?" I ask, "I hate your last name, so will you Elizabeth Angelica Gold become Elizabeth Angelica Black and make me the happiest man on earth? Will you marry me?" He asks. I gasp and bite my lip as he knelt down and gave me that cocky smile. I nod and he gets up kissing me which I return. Cheering and clapping sounded and I pulled away with a new bright blush on my cheeks.

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