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- Foo Fighters, Everlong -


- March 25th -

The week after Ethan's birthday was mostly spent trying to work out what to do different next time at Rock Central. We knew we had been lucky to get one gig there so a call-back was a pure luxury. Most of our time was spent perfecting the playlist and rearranging the original songs untill my head was thundering.
In addition, Ethan was distrating me. He infected my every waking thought. I dropped lyric lines over a smile from him and a simple touch had my brain spacing out. And I worried constantly about how close he was with his sister.

"So... You and Selma got along, huh?" He asked on the wednesday.

I felt myself holding back a cringe at the thought of what she might have told him.

"Yeah. She's cool," I replied trying to sound nonchalant.

Fearing that I might see a smug, mocking look on his face if I lifted my eyes, I kept my head down. I had my sketchpad on my lap and was trying to work out a basic design for Oddball's tattoo.

"What did you talk about?" He asked, sounding slightly insecure.

I dared a look at him. He was looking at my sketch.

"Nothing much... girl stuff," I replied.

"Girl-stuff?" He asked and looked up to face me.

Again, I struggled to gain control over my breathing when his eyes met mine. There was a curious, uncertain look in his eyes and I had to look away before giving away more than I should.

"Yeah. Girl-stuff," I shrugged.

"Okay?" He asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's just weird how much she talks about you..." he mumbled.

There wasn't a chance to say anything before Simon came and sat next to me.

"Hey, baby!" He said with a cheeky grin at me.

"Don't ever call me that!" I muttered.

"Why not, baby?" Simon asked grinning wider.

"We've had this conversation," I replied with a serious look at him.

"Okay. What 'cha doing, baby?" Simon continued.

"I was sketching up Odd's tattoodesign... but now I'm tempted to whack you," I said dryly.

"Why is that, baby?" Simon taunted.

"Because you keep calling me baby," I replied with a look that should have shut him up but only made him chuckle.

"Don't you like it, baby?" he continued with childish glee.

"Simon! One: it's demeaning. Two: I'm an adult. Three: you're being an ass!" I said firmly.

"But it's so much fuuunn!" Simon laughed.

I shot him a telling frown.

"Okay. I'll just call you baby girl," he grinned mischievously.

I gave in to my impulses and whacked him with my sketchpad.
Simon just laughed and grabbed the sketch to look at it.

"Odd's tattoo, huh?" He said.

"Yeah. He wanted a black pattern design," I said, hoping he was done being stupid.

Simon took my pencil and added a few lines to one of my ideas.

"Well... if we sharpen the corners here and soften this bit ot kinda looks like a stylised flame.

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