Heartless land

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(A/N So.. I kinda finished this story. But the characters are being really annoying and won't leave me alone.
A few threads were left open and the characters were screaming for me to keep going, so suddenly I'm sat with a follow-up.


It was mid winter and we were in New York City. Almost two years had gone since our break through and we had finished recording our second album. The hectic scedule of promotion and touring was coming up.
We were in New York to film the video to our single "End of the world". The lyrics were deciedly dystopian and it had been written as the main feature song to a major Hollywood movie. We had finished filming our part of the video, which was to be intercut with footage from the movie.
We had even had a small cameo in the actual movie.
Mr.G had returned as director with a crazy expensive idea for a video that had us playing on top of waterfalls and high places around the world. I couldn't quite work out why he didn't do it with green-screen but he insisted on taping on location with helicopters and loads of travel.
We had been granted a rare privilege of standing on top of Ayers Rock, by the Victoria falls and the great wall of China.
Seeing all those places was absolutely a thrill.
For the past week we had been in New York spending a two day stint in January winds on top of a skyscraper, freezing our asses off and trying to look good while not falling off the edge of the building.
In addition we had been doing the whole chatshow circuit and dodging paparazzi.
Our relationship status was still listed as unofficial, but most of our fans were fully on board with the actual reality. Oddball and Evan even had their own little gay fan club with representatives turning up wherever we were. Suddenly being gay rock-fans was a trend. Evan had gone with us to Australia where he and Odd had been mobbed by fans. Poor Evan was completely thrown by the attention. Most of the time, at home he was able to go unnoticed. But with us he was a target for photographers and fans. So by the time we went to New York, he went home to complete his history degree.
Through hard work, both Selma and I had completed our degrees. I officially had a degree in design and she was a published author with a degree in journalism. It made me feel stronger to know that I had something that was mine. Oddball had abandoned his degree the moment we had our first hit, whereas Ethan was doing occasional exams towards a music teaching qualification. There was a half assed design degree with Simon's name on it too, but as I had done most of his work, it almost didn't count.

Ethan and I were still going strong, trying to make time for dates and us-time. I still had moments when I'd stop to look at him, just to feel those rivulets of fire and ice across my skin. How I'd ended up in the same bed as the most beautiful man on earth was still a mystery to me, but he was still there, still kissing me, still telling me I was his and still buying me little trinkets. The latest attempt at spoiling me was a bracelet of Australian opals.
Life was comfortable.
Selma was still our PA while trying to find time to write. She had a published first novel and we made every effort to include her in whatever we were doing. We constantly carried her book in public. Her publisher was only a small one which couldn't afford any support beyond actually publishing her book, so we added her promo to our schedule. I didn't mind spending days in bookshops anyway.
Our appearances had changed slightly too. Simon and Odd had both kept their long hair although Oddball wore his shoulder length and no longer dyed it. Simon's blond wavy hair had grown down to the small of his back and even had it's own twitter hashtag and a fanbase. Both of Simon's forearms were adorned with tattoed flames in bracelets that moved as he played his bass.
Ethan's hair had grown a bit longer and I loved the slight curls at his neck. His fringe still hung over his eyes and he'd kept the streaks in his hair but varied between green and blue.
To my intense surprise, Ethan had suddenly decided to get a tattoo as well. Up his right forearm, spiralled and wound a noteline with the notes of Beetoven's romance no.2 for violin with the g-clef at the wrist. It twisted around his arm and ended by his elbow, moving and shifting with his muscles.
And me? Well my ear piercing had become a series of five along the conch of my ear with a continous spiral of titanium running through all them. I had designed it myself. It had been nicknamed an "Izzy" and a lot of our fans were pierced in a similar way or wore clip on spirals similar to mine.
On my ancle I had the Obstruction logo tattooed.

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