I'll be your mirror

497 41 16

- Velvet Underground, I'll be your mirror -

We are at the chapter where I should really give you a Mozart violin piece.
I'm loving this song and it was the song Izzy dedicated to Ethan on valentine's. So I am kinda breaking the rhythm a bit here and giving you a song that really belongs with the last chapter.
You really ought to give it a listen. The lyrics are just perfect.
I hope you love it as much as I do.)

- February 24th -

I entered the bandroom and stopped dead in my tracks. There, on the cushioned floor sat a stunningly beautiful girl a year or two younger than me. She had long sleek hair and golden brown eyes teamed with an open smile towards Oddball and me.

"Selma!" Odd shouted and rushed over to her.

She stood and received a familiar hug.
I eyed her suspiciously. She was too pretty.

"Izzy!" Oddball called.

I put on a bright smile towards him and took a few steps into the room.
She studied me carefully with an open yet guarded look on her face.
I suspected my face was very similar.

"Come meet Selma. Ethan's baby sister," Odd said.

"Ah... that explains it," I said with relief.

"Yeah. He forgot his violin at home," Selma giggled.

Just then a flustered figure sprinted in. He stopped next to me.

"Guys. I can't stay for practice. I have to go home and get..." Ethan started.

He spotted his sister with the violin case.

"Ethan Takumi Ryder! You forgetful ass!" She grinned.

"Thanks" He said and took it from her.

"I traipsed across town on a bus with that! I need more than a thanks," She grinned.

I looked between them looking for sibling resemblances. Her hair was lighter than his, the tone of burnt caramel with cinnamon coloured lowlights. Her eyes were dark golden brown. She had a slight scatter of freckles across her straight nose and a friendly smile.

"Your fingers are twitching," Simon whispered behind me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

I snapped out from thinking.

"You wanna draw her don't you?" Simon asked.

I nodded.

Simon laughed, drawing Selma's attention.

"You're Izzy, huh?" She asked.

I nodded, suddenly concious of her eyes on Simon's hand, still sat on my shoulder. She studied my face curiously before meeting my eyes straight on with a smile.

"Okay... I guess you want a ride home?" Ethan asked his sister.

"No rush. Do what you want first. Just... Mum is kinda freaking out about Saturday," she said.

"I know. I'll practice tonight after my lesson with Master Oliver," Ethan muttered.

"Don't worry. I'll tell mum you practiced here first," Selma grinned.

"Thanks," he said giving his sister a hug.

"But you owe me, big bro!" She said and poked a finger into his abdomen.
He squirmed away with a squeal.
She poked again.
He squealed.

"I swear. You are more ticklish than Emma!" She teased.

Ethan looked both embarrassed and annoyed as he stepped out of her reach.
I found myself smiling at the sibling dynamics.

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