Need you tonight

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-INXS, Need you tonight -

- July 5th -

There was a playfully serious mood between Ethan and me. We were in my room, Sunday afternoon. Part of me was on a pink cloud while another was waiting for something to jump up and mess things up again.
I knew we had a million things to get out on the open before taking this relationship to the next level.
The little conflict on Friday had me terrified of what could happen if we didn't talk things through.

It felt like a miracle having him in my room and I couldn't take my eyes off him.
Nor my hands.
And I could still not fully believe that he actually wanted me.
But he was sat there looking at me with a little smile and the look in his eyes as if he couldn't quite get into his head that we were finally together.

My hands were holding his.
His fingers were playing with mine.
The calloused fingertips stroking my nails, my knuckles and my skin.
Our bodies so close that I felt the heat of him.
I knew I only had to lean forward and his lips would be on mine a second later.
But we both knew.
No amount of kissing could hide the fact that we had to talk things over.

So we were playing a game of questions, gradually circling in on the important issues.

"Okay. Biggest turn off?" He asked.

We had been talking about superficial likes and dislikes all day.

"Being called 'baby'. Ugh," I replied with a shudder.

"Why?" he frowned.

"I'm not a small child. Call me 'baby' and it's instant break up! Get it," I said with a mischievous smile.

"Gotcha," Ethan said smiling back, fully aware that I wouldn't let him go over something so small.

"Yours?" I asked.

He tapped his chin thoughtfully with his fingertips.

"Biggest turn off... is... girls who try too hard," he said with a clever little smile.

"Try to hard?" I asked.

"Yeah. Make up and fancy clothes," he frowned.

I had to laugh.

"So me dressing up in leather jeans was kinda pointless?" I asked.

"That... was different," he laughed as he put his finger under my chin and kissed me again, causing fireworks to shoot around under my skin.
I let my hands fly up to touch his face, loving the way his smooth skin was made rough by a slight stubble.

"Turn on?" I asked once the kiss ended.

Ethan laughed.

"After christmas I suddenly developed a thing for penguin pj's," he grinned with a wink.

I had to laugh.

"Easy to please?" I asked.

"With you? Yeah!" He said and leaned over to give me another soft kiss.

"What's your turn on?" He asked.

I started laughing.

"I seem to have a thing for musical geniouses... shocking," I replied with a joke.

"Apart from that?" He asked with a small smirk. I knew he disliked the focus on his musical talents, but I couldn't resist teasing him.

"Ok... This is embarassing. Suits!" I admitted.

Ethan raised his eyebrow.

"Seeing you in that tux... I had hot flushes for days," I giggled.

He looked thoughtful.

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