Bring me to Life

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- Evanescence, Bring me to Life -

-June 18th -

Oddball drove us to his house after classes on Thursday. He looked pale and nervous.

"I don't know how to do this, Izzy. They just lost Elsie, and now I'm about to tell them they will never be grandparents," he said, trying to sound light.

"I'll be there with you," I promised.

We arrived at a well kept, suburban house and were greeted at the door by Oddball's dad.

"So good to see you again, Izzy," he said as he hung my coat.

I looked over at Oddball, who's eyes were downturned. He was chewing his bottom lip nervously.

His mum gave me a warm hug as I entered the dining room. Everything was laid out and waiting for us. On the walls were school photos and family photos of Oddball and Elsie.
In a frame was a single shot of Oddball looking smug in a suit from our photo session in the autumn. To my surprise I saw a group photo of Obstruction in another frame. Several other photos were of Oddball and Elsie together. Most of him throwing her around or making her laugh.

"I'm so happy you could come, Izzy. We've heard so much about you so it's about time we were properly introduced," Mrs. Harris chatted as we ate.

"Yeah. We did kinda meet under unfortunate circumstances," I said with a sympathetic smile.

They both nodded.

"I didn't know Elsie that well, but she meant a lot to me," I continued.

"And you obviously meant a lot to her as well. She was always telling George to behave or she would tell Izzy on him," Odd's mum smiled.

There was a light nod from Oddball to confirm. I gave him a little smile.

"I was your threat?" I asked.

"Yeah. After your matching dresses she insisted you were her big sister," Oddball grinned.
I fought back a small sigh at the memory of our dress shopping experience.

"So... how long have you two actually been going out?" Oddball's dad asked.

"We haven't," I replied simply.

Oddball's mum looked up at me.

"But... You are so attentive to each other. And George always talks about you," she said.

"Actually, mum... Izzy and I will never be a couple," Oddball said quietly.

I heard his voice shake so I reached across and took his hand.

"But. The kissing? And hugs?" Mrs. Harris asked with a look to our hands.

"Oddball is my favourite person on the planet. I love his hugs, but we're only friends. Nothing more," I said.

They both looked between us, trying to formulate the next question.

"Mum. Dad. Izzy and I aren't together because I'm not into girls," Oddball said carefully.

Both of them looked up and stared straight at their son.

"I'm gay," Oddball almost whispered.

His parents looked at each other.

"I told you!" His dad said.

His mum turned to look at me and then back at Oddball before looking at her husband again.

"I guess you did," she said to him.

"So you're here for moral support, huh?" Mr. Harris asked me with a grin, identical to Odd's usually clever looking one.

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