Another Brick in the Wall.

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-Pink Floyd, Another Brick in the Wall -

- April 27th -
After the sweet comes the sour. As they say. My entry into the classroom Monday morning was on the verge of embarassing.
Vero was sat looking smug, surrounded by a bunch of other classmates who hadn't witnessed my descent into madness.
I ignored them.
The people who mattered to me had ribbed me and we had in the end put my actions down to drinking.
Simon was sat glaring at Vero with an unamused look on his face.

"Still hung over Izzy?" Vero asked with a condescending look at my quite ordinary jeans, t-shirt, minimal makeup, hair in a ponytail combo.

I frowned at her.

"You kinda look like you didn't make an effort this morning," she continued.

"Err... That's because I didn't... duh!" I replied.

From the row in front of her I heard Freddy chuckle while he shook his head.

"I thought you were just trying to avoid attention after embarassing yourself," Vero taunted.

"I didn't embarass myself, Vero. Not that I know of anyway," I huffed.

"That's funny, cos I clearly recall you telling the whole party how Ethan was yours... and him not making any kind of move towards you... and then Oddball carrying you to bed a few minutes later... Tell me Izzy. How is Oddball in the sack?" She asked with an evil smirk.

I rolled my eyes.
I had made an ass of myself, but my true friends had all taken it in stride. It was done with. Made up and forgotten.
By all except Vero.

"That what you really think happened?" I asked Vero.

"It was fairly obvious that's what happened. You went to bed with Oddball. He returned quite a while later with a big grin before he said something to Ethan and they hi-fived. Usually, when guys do that, it means one of them scored," Vero explained patiently.

"Whatever," I huffed and sat in my seat.

"Bet you've already had Simon," Vero continued.

There was a heavy exhale from behind me and I turned to see Simon with a tired look on his face.

"She's been at it since I arrived," he muttered.

One look at Vero revealed that she saw my interruption of her play at Ethan as a personal injury.

"Yep. I fuck a gay man and his two best friends on a regular basis. Happy?" I asked Vero ironically, causing a few quiet laughs around the classroom.

"Gay? Who's gay?" Vero asked with narrowed eyes.

I shrugged and began working on my project.

"Seriously Izzy?" She asked.

"Look at it this way... We know Simon has had girlfriends, so either I saved you from barking up the wrong tree or you just told the class that I'm a guy," I shrugged.

Somehow my skewed logic worked. Vero sat down in her seat.
For five minutes.
As soon as the rest of the class were seated and working, she leaned over towards me.

"I could have had him if you had just not interfered," she said with a tight frown.

"Sure," I replied dryly and returned to my work.

At lunchtime I found Oddball at a table outside with Ethan. I sat oposite Odd and fixed him with a stare.
I deliberately had to ignore Ethan. My hand still felt on fire after our tequila shot experience and I wasn't sure if I was ready for an explosion.

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