Welcome to a brand new generation

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The new album FEEL came out today.  No one has come forth with finding a golden ticket yet.  I must admit, I am really nervous.  "So when are these bitches gonna find a fucking golden ticket already?" Justin cursed, "I'm getting bored and Warped is in like two weeks."  Jack and I nodded in agreement.  I sat down on the couch in my house.  We hang out here a lot.  I decided to check my twitter feed.  Like always, little girls were replying, "OMG FOLLOW ME PLZ!" and "I LOVE YOU RT ME!  TAKE MY VIRGINITY!"  To be honest, when fans say they want to fuck me, I get really uncomfortable.  I'm not that kind of guy.  I like loyalty, not twelve year old girls showing off their bodies.  I decided to post something new.  "Did anyone find a golden ticket!  Me and the boys are getting anxious!" I tweeted.  Immediately after I posted, I got 50 retweets and favorites.  "Get a life!" a hater replied.  "I do.  I'm doing something I love with my life.  As for you, you reply to a celebrity for attention.  Sounds like YOU need a life." I replied to the hater.  I hung out with the guys, played COD and pigged out on chips. 

"Does it even make a difference

when I'm sober, I feel pain." 

my ringtone blared.  It's my favorite song by Pierce the Veil, Props & Mayhem.  It was Rise Records calling, our record label.  "What's up?" I asked.  "Tell the boys- Golden ticket number one was just found.  Get your asses down to the studio ASAP, dude." our manager said.  "K dude, see you soon." I replied and hung up.  "Yo, guys.  We gotta get down to the studio now.  The first ticket was found." I shouted at them.  They headed to the car immediately.  After 5 minutes, we were off.

"Hey.  We got a call from the first fan.  It's a dude." the CEO said.  "Thank god." I sighed to myself in relief.  I was hoping that atleast one of the winners would be a dude.  "He's flying in to meet you guys tonight.  He'll be here by 10 tomorrow morning.  Make sure you get here at 9:30 sharp." the CEO said sternly.  Jesse, Justin, Jack, Gabe, and I all nodded obediently. 


"KELLIN GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT OF BED, YOU CUNT!" Justin screamed in my ear.  It was 9 in the morning.  I shot him a look, then looked at my clock.  SHIT!  I'm gonna be late to the studio!  I ran out of bed, into my bathroom.  I turned on the hot water in the shower and washed up.  I threw on my grey skinny jeans, rolled them up my calf halfway, a black V neck with a black leather jacket over top, and my black TOMS.  I fixed my hair, we all piled into my car.  Within minutes we pulled up to the studio.  Shit.  It's 9:35.  The CEO is going to kill us.  We walked inside and surprisingly, we didn't get scolded by the CEO.  We sat around for 25 minutes and waited for the fan to show up.  We didn't bother to check our appearences because its a dude.  I was deep in thought of what we would do to entertain the kid.  Just then, my ringtone sang out.  "What's up? It's Kellin." I answered.  "Hey, dude!  It's been forever!" the voice on the other end cheered.  The voice was Matty Mullins.  He's pretty much my best friend, and he was on tour with his band Memphis May Fire, for about four months.  "Yo, dude!  How's it been?" I said with a huge smile, speaking a bit louder than necessary.  Just then, the CEO shot me a death glare.  My eyes widened when I saw the death glare.  "Listen, Matty.  I'm in the studeo and we're wating for a contest winner to show up.  I'm gonna have to call you back later." I said nervously.  He agreed and I ended the call.  Soon after that, the fan walked in.

"Guys, this is Paxton." the CEO said.  We all greeted Paxton.  He was really chill and cool.  He had long, dark brown hair that sweeped gently to the side.  It was kind of like mine, except not as long.  He was about 15 years old.  We got to know him and he fit in with us right away.  It was 3 in the afternoon by the time we all got acquainted.  We headed to a restaurant for an early dinner, because we had a show tonight, and Paxton gets to watch from side stage as part of the first prize.  We allowed Paxton to bring two of his family members to the concert.  Off to the show.

Congratulations (A Kellin Quinn/Matty Mullins Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now