Chapter Six

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AN: Hi guys. I know that you probably hate me right now and I'm terribly terribly sorry. My first year in college got me more confused than ever. I was having a hard time trying to be familiar with everything going around me...Sooo here I'm. Anyway I hope you have a great time reading this chapter and there is an obvious liar who doesn't act very normal.


Scanning the internet for another qualified college was a great plan B. She listened to Jason's advice, feeling a lot better after their conversation, satisfied that she applied for another two and keeping in mind there is always a plan C.

Her phone vibrates, she quickly got it not wanting to wake her mother that was already sleeping on the couch for an hour now. She bit her lips seeing his name flashes on the screen, opening the message quickly finding two links and a text under them.

I thought you need help figuring out ur plan B...

She opened the links and a grin made its way to her face. They were for two colleges applicable for Aria's dream of Literature and Writing.

Her nails echoed on the window making tiny sound like the tiny raindrops outside, should she call him or not? Or she should stick to a 'thank you' message? Will it be rude if she didn't? Or if she sent a message he'll think she's overreacting?

Or Or Or.... She found herself overthinking about it where she was sure that it didn't take him a long time to decide and he just sent it. She felt stupid as always.

It did actually take from him a lot of gluts thinking whether to send it or not. He went home after their conversation and one thing in his mind to get her the best. His hands tremble when he was pressing send, he was worried she would think he's being creep.

At this moment his phone rang and he could feel that he was holding his breathe all this time. It was he. She's calling. She's his perfect dream.

''Hi" He heard her whisper that sounded the perfect tune for him.


"I can't believe you did this for me" She started putting her palm on her cheek to stop the heat coming like a flow.

He drifted in the phone call and started walking calmly up and down in his dark room "I hope that it helped"

His voice sounded very attractive on the phone, very calm, very mature, breathtaking...

She mentally groaned at herself.

"You searched" She wanted to tell him how thankful she was "You made effort" how grateful she was "You remembered. You did it" how special he makes her feel "for me" Her voice cracked at the end.

"I'll do anything for you"

If I just could tell you...

As usual fear held him silent half waiting for her respond and half expecting from her to change the subject.

"Can I tell you something?" She turned to make sure her mother was still sleeping.

She felt like a young teenager who's sneaking behind her parents to meet up with her super secret boyfriend.

He shifted his weight on the arm of the couch "Anything"

She didn't want to overthink again so she blurts out "You're like a haven"

His mouth moved silently trying to make any word to be spoken but nothing come out and his heart beats changed into the pointer in the clock moving every freaking second.

IF I COULD TALK (Jason & Aria)Where stories live. Discover now