chapter four

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(Dalton is 15 and Madison is 14)

*Dalton's pov *

Today is a sad day, a few weeks ago I auditioned to be in a band called im5. It doesn't sad bad but I'm leaving for California and i didn't tell Madison. I hope she doesn't hate me when I come back because if she does then i wouldn't know what to do with myself. We were in math class which I hated. You would think when you are in high school they stopped teaching you this but they don't. I tapped my pencil on the desk. "Mr.Rapattoni would you mind answering the question?" The teacher asked. I opened my mouth but the principal came on the intercom. " Dalton Rapattoni And Madison Kurt please report to my office for dismissal." I looked and Maddie and shrugged even though I knew what was happening. We packed up our things and walked out the door. " Oh the answer is seventeen to the second power." I said before walking out into the hallway with my bestfriend. " What do you thinks up?" She asked. I felt a sharp pain in my heart and I fell to the ground. " Oh my god Dalton ar- holy fudge!" She said falling to next to me. " Why does my heart hurt?" She asked. I looked up to her. She can feel my pain. She sat down holding her chest and panting. Soon it went away and we stood up. " Um I have heart pain, and apparently you can feel it." I lied. She nodded and we kept walking. "Are you two ready for a day of fun!" My mom squealed when we got to the door. " Um for what?" Maddie asked. "Well sweetie because-" I shook my head. " You guys have been working so hard." She said looking at me with a worried look. We walked to the car and me and Maddie rode in the backseat. My mom turned on the radio and hummed along to whatever old people song she was listening to. I grabbed her hand. "I love you Mads." I said. She looked at me and smiled. "I love you too Dalton." She said squeezing my hand. We drove in silence other than my mom and I rubbed circles into the back of Madison's hand. We got Tom my house and i hopped out the car with Maddie coming next. " Go get dressed and come to my house okay? And bring your skateboard too." I said. She nodded and we ran into our houses.

*Madison's pov*

I don't know why but I felt so sad, I'm not depressed but today feels like a sad day. I but on my black hat, some black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, a leather jacket,

 I but on my black hat, some black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, a leather jacket,

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and my white low converses. My hair was it's usual curly mess. I grabbed my skateboard bag with my skateboard and my phone and left my room. I walked downstairs to see Dalton in the kitchen drinking a juice box. He had on some black jeans, a white shirt, white high top converses, and a leather jacket." He was basically the boy version of me. I see you're trying to look like me." I said laughing. I grabbed me a bag of gummy bears and stood next to Dalton. " Yes i was." He laughed. " Plus I saw you change." He said. I hit his arm. " How? my curtin was closed." I asked eating more gummy bears. " I can see what everyone is doing." He said. I was about to ask why but he snapped his fingers and it opened a portal. I looked through it and saw my mom and dad doing something I never wanted to see ever. I gagged. " Turn it off! Turn it off!" I yelled. " I've never seen that position before." Dalton said. I jumped on him and we felt to the floor. " I can't believe you." I said laughing. "I was kidding I wasn't watching your parents make baby number three." He laughed. I sat up so i was straddling him and he put his hands on my thighs. "Not that, I'm talking about your extra power." He was about to say something when my mom came into the kitchen with a robe on. I gagged. " Was i interrupting something?" My mom said winking at Dalton. I stood up and helped him up too. " I could say the same to you mother." I said. She laughed. Walking over to us. "Do you need money? " My mom asked. " Um sure." I said. She held her palm out and plants came out. They shot across the room and came back with my mom's purse then they went back into her hand. She pulled out fifty bucks and handed it to me. I put it in my bag and i kissed her cheek before we walked out the door. " So where are we going sheriff Rapattoni?" I asked. " Well deputy Kurt because it's 12 pm and we have to be back by six we are going to get us some ice cream and then we are going to the fair. After that the skate park and then to a place I can't tell you." He said. " Well okay. If we don't do all of that stuff today we can do it tomorrow." I said. He looked away. " Yea tomorrow." He said.

We went to the ice cream shop and I ordered me a strawberry with sprinkles while Dalton got chocolate. We skated all the way to the fair and we bought some tickets. " Okay Mad what do you wanna do first?" Dalton asked. I looked around. " Let's play a few games and then get on some rides." I said. he nodded and we were off.

*an hour later in Dalton's pov *

It broke my heart to know that I couldn't see her tomorrow and that I kept lying to her. We were at the skate park and Maddie was doing a few tricks and I've gotta say that for a girl, she is awsome. when she finished she walked up to me and smiled. I stood up and grabbed her hand and pulled her arm. "Dalton where are we going?" She asked playfully. " You'll see baby girl." I told her. A few minutes late we arrived at one of our favorite places ever. It was a little River and a huge field filled with beautiful flowers. It smells amazing as always. "Thank you Dolphin." She said hugging me tightly. We stayed that way for a while before she pulled away. " We haven't been here since I was eight." She said taking in the scent again. She was so beautiful. I hope she doesn't cry when I'm gone because it would break my heart. I haven't see her cry since her grandmother died a few years ago. I want to keep it that way. She is not gonna cry because of me. " Wanna run through the field?" We asked at the same time. She smirked. " Sure." I said. I grabbed her hand and took off with her trailing behind. We ran around screaming like idiots untill we got tired. Then we were laying on the ground. " Madison?" I asked. " Mmh?" She answered. "No matter what happens I want you to know that I love you okay?" I said on the verge of tears.
" Maddie? " I asked looking over at her. She had fallen asleep. How cute I grabbed both of our skateboards and i put them I'm the bag before I picked Maddie up bridal style. She was perfect in every way possible. I walked a few blocks before I started to getting tierd. I shook Maddie lightly. " Mmh?" She asked. " Teleport back to your room and I'll just walk back." I told her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and nodded. A few seconds later her eyes opened and i looked at them. They are chocolate brown and huge. She smiled up at me before closing her eyes again. I felt.....bare for a moment then when I looked up we were in her room. She teleported to her bed and cuddled into her pillow. " I didn't know she could teleport people!" I mumbled. I walked over to her bed and sat down beside her. I don't wanna leave her, I promised. And now I'm breaking it. I stroked her hair. "I love you Deputy Kurt forever and always." I said. She sat up. "I love you too Sheriff Rapattoni." She said pulling me into a hug. She pulled away and looked into my eyes. I slowly leaned in and she did too. Our lips connected and i felt fireworks in my stomach and my brain was doing cartwheels. I put my hands on her waist and she put hers around my neck. I pulled her closer. I was about to lift her shirt up when there was a knock. We let go of eachother. And Mrs.Kurt walked in. " Dalton honey your mom said to come home." She said. I nodded and stood. " I'll see you tomorrow." Maddie said. Her mom gave me a worried look. "Yea." I lied. Before I walked out the door I looked back at Maddie. She was laying down. I can't leave her like this. I ran and jumped onto her bed and rolled on top of her. " What are you doing?" She asked. I kissed her hard, i didn't wanna let her go ever. She kissed back with equal force. After what felt like forever I let go. " I've said this a million times already but I love you more than juice boxes." She giggled. " I love you too more than green gummy bears." She said. Wow that means alot. I climbed off of her and left her room for what might be the last time in years. I walked next door and grabbed my suit case, and helped my mom get hers. We drove to the airport and waited for our plane.

*Madison's pov *

I smiled at the thought of Dalton kissing me. I always pushed him away from me. But now I think that changed. I wanted to wish him a good night so I tried contacting him in his mind. He didn't answer. I teleported into his room. He wasn't there either. I went to every room in the house and the only room the had someone in it was Sophie's. I went back to Dalton's room. I was about to leave but then i noticed something weird. His stuffed Dolphin was gone of his bed. I looked underneath the bed his shoes were gone. None of his clothes or top hats were there either. I teleport back to my room and sigh. We're could he be. " Maddie I know you are confused right now but I just want to tell you that I love you, we won't see eachother for a while. I'm moving to California to be in a band. I should have told you goodbye but I couldn't I didn't want to see you hurt. I'm on the plane now. I hope you are okay with my decision and we can still talk and FaceTime and everything goodbye." That was Dalton. No. No. No. No.No.No. This can't be happing. I teleported to the airport and ran to the gates. I was to late he was gone. I saw him glance out the window right at me. I broke down crying. The plane took off into the air with my bestfriend. I ran out of the airport and down the street. I kept running and crying. I ran down a few blocks. I was on the verge of passing out when i bumped into someone. " Oh I'm sorry are you okay." He said. I looked up to see a really muscular guy with brown hair and brown eyes. He helped me up and i dusted myself off and wiped my tears. " I don't know if I'm okay." I said truthfully. " I'm Madison Kurt by the way." I said extending my hand. He shook it. " I'm Hunter Knoche."

Word count 2013

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