chapter eleven

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*Dalton's pov *

Kylee unfroze hunter just before the police came. He was soaking wet and shaking. "No, no, no, no." Madison whispered. I kept stroking her hair. "Shh it's okay, I'm here." I reassured her. An officer came up to me and went to touch Maddie. " I'm sorry sir but I have to take her to the ambulance now." He said. "Can I carry her?" I asked. He looked worried at first but he agreed in the end. I stood up and scooped her into my arms before walking up the stairs. This would be the second time I carried a girl out of this monsters house. The paramedic

The end!
Nahh I'm kidding now back to the story

*Madison's pov *

" No, no, no, no."
That was all I could say. The image kept replaying in my head and I could push it away. The horrible feeling in my legs and stomatch wouldn't go away no matter how hard i wished it did. I could be pregnant with his baby and I'm only sixteen. The thought made my head hurt and I burst out in tears.

"Maddie it's okay, I'm not gonna leave your side ever again." Dalton said. I flinched because I forgot I was in his arms and his voice was loud. "You said that before." I whispered taking a fistful of his shirt and snuggling closer to him.
"You promised you would protect me and you didn't, you let this happen to me because you broke that stupid promise." I said. I was crying and my teeth were clenched. The wind was blowing my ponytail around and pieces of my hair stuck to my face. " I'm sor-"
"Stop apologizing." I said letting go of his shirt. "What else am I supposed to do? You'll get mad at me no matter what I choose! All I want to do is just be here for you and love you and protect you! I know that I've done a horrible job these past few years and I'm sorry, I'm sorry for leaving you, I'm sorry for not comforting you when you needed me the most, I'm sorry for everything! And if you don't want me to be in your life anymore i understand but I will still love you, I always have and I always will." He finished yelling. He was crying and i just realized how long we've been standing at the ambulance yelling at eachother. He set me on the strecher which sent a huge pain through my body before walking away. A paramedic climbed into the back of the ambulance and another one stood at the end so they could pick me up.

*Dalton's pov*
I never meant to hurt her but I did and now she hates me. Two cars came driving twords me and when they stopped both of Madison and I's family ran out. While my parents and sister ran to me, Maddie's family ran to the ambulance. "Dalton are you okay? What about Maddie oh my god poor Maddie we have to go talk to her." My mom blabbed. I shook my head and walked away from them. My parents walked over to the Kurt family and I felt Sophie's presence behind me.
"Where are you going?" She asked trying to pick up my pace. "I don't know yet." I replied turning the corner. "What do you mean you don't know?"
"I mean I don't know. Madison doesn't want me around anymore so I guess that means I'll just go back to Cali for a while, to be with the band." I said. She stopped for a moment and I kept walking. "Stop!" She yelled. My legs suddenly came to a stop. "Turn around and walk to me." She said much calmer.
I didn't have control over my body, she was in control. When I got in front of her she was put of breath. "How did you do that?" I whispered.
"You're not the only one with powers." She smirked. I wonder who she gets that from.
"You can't play with Madison's heart like that Dal, she has been through so much since you left and she is counting on you. I know you messed up in the past but she's just like Garret; they forgive easily." She said, blushing when she said his name. "Thanks for the advice but as a big brother I have to tell you that you can date Garret." I said smiling. "Oh I know, I didn't need your permission." She replied making my smile drop. She giggled and pulled me into a hug. "Make your decision wisely. You can have Madison or the boys." She told me before pulling away from the hug and walking away. I looked at the ground and weighed out the pros and cons of leaving. After thinking I made up my mind.

*Madison's pov*

They took me into the amblance and before they closed the door i could see my family running up to me. "My baby let me in there now!" my mom yelled. They closed the door and i heard the engine start up but before they pulled off they opened the door and my brother came in. He looked hurt and upset all at once. "Hey" he whispered. I nodded as a greeting, i don't feel like talking to anyone. My throat was sore from yelling and my head was pounding from crying so much. He sat on the bench thing beside me. He tried to grab my hand but I flinched away. "I'm sorry." I whispered. He shook his head.
"No I shouldn't have tried to touch you." He said looking down. "Your my brother you're aloud to hold my hand." I argued, ignoring the burning sensation in my throat. "Stop talking, I know it hurts." He demanded.

"I'm fine." I replied.

"Stop being stubborn."

"I'm not!"

"You are just, please." He broke down.

I tried to reach over and comfort him but my it sent a pain throughout my body. "Oww!" I yelled. Garret got up and looked at me. He went to the front of the van and said something to one of the paramedics before he and the lady came back. She came to my left and looked down at me. "What hurts?" She asked. "Um i-i" I stuttered. "I'll go sit up there." Garret said, standing up and walking to the front. "My head, throat, stomach, and d-down there." I said whispering the last part. "We're almost to the ER sweetie, we'll get you checked out." She said before standing up and walking up to the front. Garret returned and smiled weakly at me. "It's okay" I smiled. " I'm okay."

Sorry for not updating in 09882625172939373383 years but I've been on the road for like three days and jet lag is no joke, especially with insomnia it takes forever to sleep. I hope you like it oh and the word count including this a/n is 1166

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