So is it offitional

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Chapter 5


"Omg Frank!!! What were you thinking!?" I yell at Frankie!!

"I don't know" he replies... "You know Gee, I had this amazing dream"

"Oh really? What about" I asked

"About you" murmured Frankie "you said some wonderful things to me. You said that I was amazing and fret and that you ughh ... Well that you --"

"That I really liked you, I know..." I state gazing Into his dark brown eyes

Frank thinks for a while then gasps... "It wasn't a dream!?"

"I don't know what you mean" I tease Frank. He walks closer to me, our foreheads touching. "I really like you to" He turned away and walked over to the wardrobe to fetch his pj's that had all the comic super Hero's printed on them. I loved his pj'a so bad and wanted a pair myself. Perhaps he would lend them to me? Just for a night or two?

Frank takes of his clothing and places on his pj's

"Ooohh you look so cute in those" I wolf whistled as he made his way back to, strutting like a little diva

"Haha!" Frank smiled and came, resting his weight upon my knee on the couch where I sit.

He leans in and kisses me grabbing my top and pressing harder deepening our kiss.

"Yawnnn!!! Ughhhh, I'm tired gee lets go to bed" Frankie said to me caressing my cheek

"Sure thing" I replied as we snuggled up falling asleep in the green worn down sofa...

Arwh. Look at his sleeping. He's so cute. Cuddled up in my lap like that. I slowly lift up his head placing him down the sofa to lay. And go to my bed to get some actual rest without being in an uncomfortable position.

(The next morning. Lets go into franks point of view now)

"Morning sweet cheeks" I sat on the sofa waiting for Gee to arise from his deep pit of sleep. I yawned and went to sit next to him as he sat up promptly on the bed. "Hey baby" Gerard said wow, he's never called me baby where did bat come from? Then again I've never called him sweet cheeks?...

"Gerard?" I ask his name sweetly

"Yes?" He returned . Starring into my eyes

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I blurted out nervously prepared for decline.

"Yes!! YESS YES YESS I will be our boyfriend!!" Gerard jumped out of bed and crashed upon my lips after prancing round like a fool. He lips were sweet and tender, warm and soothing. He traced my bottom lip his tongue tugging my lip ring a tad "hhmmm" I groan why is gerard so perfect? He is everything I want in life he is all I need!!

"Gee... I--I think I love you" I had to say it if I didn't then I didn't know when I would say it!

"Frank I -- I lo- I lo .." Gerard stutters for a reply. I place a single finger upon his lips and whisper. "I don't want to hear it if you don't mean it" I smile gently taking my finger away.

I lean in and gently kiss Gee. "And I mean it, I really do love you Gerard! Gerard Arthur way I love you" I say as my lips hover over his. I sneak another kiss my tongue sliding into his mouth, then his into mine.

I pull away breathing hard.

"Gee? I hope your not messing me around..." I asked

"What?! No I would mess with you, you are like my rock my soul everything I could ever want. Your amazing and you are very special"

Another Frerard Story...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon