Shall the angels come and take me ?

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Chapter 9


(Franks pov)


"Oh god, oh god, oh god"... I start to cry as I strut back and forth in the hospital waiting room, with my hands on my hips and eyebrows inward.

"Frank, you need to calm down" Ray says placing a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

"I can't calm down!!" I squeal "My baby is dying, because I--I" I sit down on the rowed blue seats and burry my head in the palm of my hands. I start crying.

Mikey comes and sits next to me, patting me on the back.

"I'm sure he will be fine" Mikey reassures me

"I hope so..."

A tall, dark haired lady walks out one of the rooms, in a baby blue little nurses dress and a pair of white nurses trainer shoes on.

"For Mr. Way?" She calls

My head shoots up I look straight at her and rise up from the squeaky seats.

"That's us" I say walking toward her

"You can go in now she says" leading us at Gerard's room. She opens the glass door and pulls the mini curtains down on the entrance for some privacy

"Mikey, Ray? Is it okay if I just speak with Gee alone for a couple minutes"

"Oh yeah sure" they both say and leave the room.

I look down at Gerard. His face is bruised, and he has a black eye. His lips look as if they have been stung by wasps.

"Oh Gee, what have you done?"

He was ran Over by a car... I glance at his leg which is in a cast. What have I done, I rub my hand across his levitated leg

"I'm sorry baby, this is all my fault." I start to cry again. Gerard lifts my chin.

"No! It was my fault. I'm so -so--"

"Gee?" He starts to cough and mumble, he's coughing up blood all over his medical gown. He starts to sweat and his skin gets clammy.

"GERARD!" I yell "QUICKLY! SOME ONE HELP!!" a few nurse run in and shove me out the way. I'm in shock, and Gerard is having an attack. All of a sudden his calms down, he's stone still and stone cold. I look over the the nurses who are putting more tubes in him and rushing around trying to find some medication. My glance soon goes to the equipment . His life line. Is flat...

"NOOOOO!!!!!!!" I scream as loud as I can I slide down the wall and hurl up in the corner crying hysterically.

"It's okay." A nurse says while grabbing a pair of heart pumping irons


"CLEAR!" One of them shouts



"CLEAR!" They shout again



"He's not coming back" they say "this boy took to much alcohol and drugs at the same was to much in his system that he wasn't used to" they say to one another.

(Gerard pov, in after life)

"Hello?" I call out to the darkness. "Hello?" I call again.

I cant see anything, it's just pitch black with me standing here in a hospital gown my skin white as a sheet. Am I dead?

"Hello" a kind voice says "welcome To the after life" the after life?! Am I dead

"So , am I dead?!"

"Yes!" She's says "why else would you be here?"

"I don't know" I reply

"Hmm" she looks at my and wanders closer, I can finally see he properly.

He hair is long down to her waist, it's blonde with bits of white in it. She wears a flowing longish white dress which elegantly sways when she walks. He face is so ... Angelic and soft, no blemishes! The perfect face.

"Are you..?"

"Hmm?" I reply to her , she looks like she's in deep thought.

"Are you Gerard?" She asks me

"Yes! Yes I am!" I say with excitement

"Then Gerard! You, you should be going to hell, because of all the drugs, alcohol and umm how should I say this... Guys you've done!" She said to me

"That's NOT fair" I shout "gods one homophobic mother fucker!"

"You might be right" she says and smiles. "Look I can grant you life again , you need to go back to Frank. He CAN'T live without you and I know what Frankie is going through, I don't really want to see him down here, and I believe that you, are the only hope, the only hope for him." She says. "You have one chance and one chance only. Do u want to stay here and forget about everything else and not need to worry, your escape root. Or do you go back and save the one you love ever so greatly.?"

"Go back!" I say "I need to save Frankie!"

"Very well" she smiles "but you have to fight!" She's blows a kiss, and her sweet breathe makes me fall asleep in a instant.

I'm in the hospital room. I can hear the people . I'm not dead! My eyes slowly start to open. I see frank in the corner. I see the bright lights shining on me. I see my leg. I look upon my skin , which should be bruised and bleeding, but it's not . The angel must have restored my strength!

"A miracle!" I nurse exclaims

Frankie looks up "a miracle?" He says

"Yes! He's back!"

(Franks pov)

"Omg Gerard!" I run up to him and Hug him tight! "Woah, you look different to what you were this morning.?" I say kissing his cheek

"An angel came in my dreams and told me to fight" Gerard says "and she gave me back my full health, I'm fine now!" Gerard says. Hmm, I don't know if I believe in angels, but I don't care! As long as he's back! I kiss his lips.

The others nurses come in and clap

"We'll Mr.Way u certainly had god at your side! He smiles loosely. "We have to take you now to have your cast of its a miracle your all well, not cuts,no bruises , and no broken bones my the looks of it!" They take him away to get the cast off

(Half an hour later)

Gerard comes walking down the corridor and runs to hug me! His embrace, how much I missed him in a short period of time.

"Well Mr.Way! You can go!"

Me and Gerard link hands "thank you" I say, we all walk away and out of the hospital.


Sorry if that was a boring chapter more frerard in the next

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