Dead or alive

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Chapter 8


(Gerards pov)


So me and Frankie get home, i'll admit im a bit pissed off because Frankie didn't want I go on ANYTHING! And I really wanted to! I like the rush...

Obviously Frankie babe doesn't like roller coasters. Me and Frank go and sit down on the floor. My legs are crossed and so are his. We are facing each other holding hands. God how I love him... I stare in to his gorgeous eyes. But my eyes don't stay there for long. Now I'm looking at his arm where his sleeve is ridding up a little.


"Yes?" He replies smiling

"What's that on our arm?" I ask, as I see him glam down.. He gasps and lets go my hand pulling down his sleeve

"What is it!" I ask again I'm beginning to get inpatient!!!!

"WHAT IS IT!??!!" I scream at him

"NOTHING!" He screams back

I put my hand on his and with the other I pull up his sleeve

"No Gerard dont!!" He yelps

I see his arm. His wrists. His scars... Deep in his skin. What? What is this? Why Frankie why? Why do you do this to me?! I can't stand it!! His arm looks bruised and red. I can see fresh blood dripping from some of the cuts. Did he do this recently?

"WHY!?" I yell

"I don't know ... I" he tries to reply

"WHY FRANK FUCKING WHY!?" I shout again

"I--I don't know I don't want to live sometimes ..." He says


"I-I-I have to. It's become and addiction. I can't s-stop.." Frank bursts into tears!

"I have to go..." I say as I get up of the floor

"Where to?" Frank says trying to dry his tears

"To get some air" I open the door and leave slamming it behind me.

What was Frank thinking I wonder. Walking into a dark alley way. I know where I am though ... If Frankie doesn't want to live neither do I ... Sober for years now. I walk into a local store on the right of the alley. I pick up 2 beers and a bottle of strong gin and another of strong Russian vodka. I get to the counter and hand my items to the lady there. I also ask for a packet of cigarettes. She hands them over.

"That will be $40.00 please"

What?!! That's all I have . I run back to the cooler and put back the two beers

"We'll then.. It's now $33.00 pleasee" she says

Well at least I saved a bit. I hand over the money and leave the store. Once I'm outside, I continue walking down the dark alley. To find it there. Dylan. He's sat in a beaten up old car at the very end of the path. I walk over the him and tap on the window. He rolls it down

"Hey.." I say and look down

"Well well well... Looky looky . Guess who it is lads!" He looks back at his friends. They all look high and have dark blogs under their eyes, they're sweating buckets and their long hair is getting drenched.

"You haven't been here in a LONG time" Dylan says to me "So what do you want?

"I need something. Something to take the pains away." I say

"Hmmm. How much have you got"

"...$7.00?" I say giving him what I have in my pockets

"Hahaha! Well 7 ain't gunna get you anything!" He cackles at me

"Come onn!" I say "I will take anything! Just something?!"

"Hhmm... Okay. Come closer" I lean down closer to the car window.

"I've got this new pill in stock. It's like an LSD--"

"LSD?" I ask "with hallucinations and shit?"

"Yeah... That's the one you said anything?" He says.

"Fine ill take it!" He hands me over the green little pills and places them into my hand

"You can have theses two to try out, my little present, but I'm keeping your seven dollars!" He smirks

"Oh. Okay, thanks Dylan" I smile and walk away from the car.

I walk awhile, and my feet start to ache. In the distance is the school. I walk over to one of the benches that are near to a bunch of tree, right out side the collage. I pull from my plastic bag the bottle of gin. I look at the bottle and sigh

"This is for you Frank"

I screw of the top and throw it to the ground. I take a gulp of the gin. Wow, it's the first time having alcohol since about .. 4 years ago I WAS sober... It looks like I'm not now. I reach into my pocket and pull out the green pills... I slip one into my mouth, and swallow it down with another glug of gin. I just want to forget. I place the other one in and have another sip forcing the pill down my throat.

I put the gin down and grab the bottle of vodka. I open the lid and glug down half the bottle. I can't see straight, and my vision has gone blurry. My sight has turned purple.

"Ooh purple" I sigh and stand from the bench my brain starts to hurt, like scorpions scrawling under my skin.

"Wooahhh" I announce looking at my surroundings. It's my dad. And he's walking towards me!

"Dad!" I squel

His hands ride up his body and start tearing the skin at his head.

"Your aren't good enough Gerard, I Hate you. That's why I decided to kill myself, that's why your boyfriend wants to kill himself to , he hates you!"

My dad says in an evil low voice.

"No! No your wrong!" I start to run from him, sliding. Skidding. Dreaming shaking. Hurting. Screaming. Stridding. Slipping. Dying...

My dad chases after me

As the purple beast approaches us.

"Come back YOU LITTLE TWAT!" He screams

My legs start to slow down, and it feels like my legs are melting into the ground like marshmallows over a fire.

I see Frank standing in the middle of the road calling for me

"Gerard!" He shouts

"Frank!" I fall to the ground and crawl across the rough ground to him. My face scraping on the floor and my nose and hands start to bleed as i start punching the floor. I stand tipsy when I reach him and wobble around

"Frank, we have to leave my dad wants me dead!!!" I plea


"WHAT!? Frank!!???" Frank runs away further into the road

The purple monster covers over me and I cower and whimper as it yearns closer mumbling in a revolting low crackling voice.

"I'm coming to get you .."

A bright light shines from behind me. I turn round, the light is blinding, and my dad is standing at the side of the concrete road.

That was that last thing I saw...


read on to find out what happens next

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