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Chapter 12


(Gerard pov)


oh god! Frankie's mom isn't taking it to well... was it to soon to ask him for marriage? does he just want to have fun and enjoy being young... what if he doesn't actually like me? no, don't think that Gerard. he wouldn't of said yes is he didn't like you! >..< 

 "WHAT!!!" Frankie's mom shouted

"please calm down mom!!!" Frankie pleaded. Frankie's mom took deep breaths, then looked at me, glaring at me head to toe.

"With him?" she points

"Yes.."Frank replys

"you are in love?"


I interupt. "Mrs. Iero. I love Frank with my life.. i would do anything for him. i will take good care of him and die for him. i would take the bullet anytime for him. i love him.." I turn to Frankie "I love you baby" i say and grasp his hand tightly.

"hhmm.." She mumbles and thinks about it for a while. "Why didnt you tell me Frankie?" she finnaly asks.

"Because i thought you would hate me..."

"Frank... my baby boy! i will never hate you!" she grabs him into a tight embrace. "I could never EVER hate you! no matter what.!" Frank wriggles away from the hug, and takes my hand again.

"So are you okay then with me and Gee getting married?" Frank asks. she had forgotten about the ring.. she had just prosessed that her son was gay.

"Marrige?" She asks

"Yes" We say in unison

"Arent you two a bit young?" she says concerned?

"No!" he yells "We are NOT to young!, you dont know a thing about this life. you dont know a thing about me! you dont know a thing!!" Frankie shouts "I love this man!, i love him mom! and if you think you are going to stop me from marrying him then you can think again sunshine! you will never take him away from me! i love him to much! if he isnt with me, then who is!" Frank screams and opens the door for his mom to leave.

"Honey! i see that you are in love. and want to get married to Gerard here, but i just think--."

"GET OUUTT!!!" Frank screams.

"I will call you later when you have calmed down" she says and walks out the room.

Hearing all the commotioon, Mikey walks in. "You guise Okay?" he asks

"Yeaahh, Frankie was telling his mom h at hes gay..."

"Oh right... how'd it go?"

"not very well.." Frank says walking past Mikey

"What is that!?!!" Mikey exclaims holding up Frankies hand and pointing at the ring.

"Were.. Were engaged" Frankie yankng his hand away from Mikey.

"What?! since when?"

"since this morning" i say.

"Gerard!.. surely. dont you think your are too young to make rash choices like that?"

"No! why does everyone keep saying stuff like that!?"

"....Gee..." Frank puts an arm around me. "Maybe people are right.. i think we should have some time apart.."


"i think we should just split up for a bit..."

"WHAT!" tears start to run down my cheeks. as i cry hystericallly as i push Frank away from me

"Not forever. just--"

"I KNEW YOU HATED ME! WHY WERE AE EVEN IN A RELATIONSHIP!!"" i scream and run out of the dorm.

What! We are engaged then he says he wants to split up! thats it! i cant bare it here anymore! i cant stand living if i have no one!. i run down the halls. to find the jocks. the type that shout faggot to you when your on your way to your classes. i walk right up to one and shout in his face!. he turns round to unveil a big tanned tall musculer dude with short spikey blonde hair and facial hair.

"ARE YOU TALKING TO ME WAY!? YOU FACKTARD! Wheres your boyfriend!? found another cock to suck!"


"What did you say!"

"I SAID FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING PEICE OF SHIT HOMOPHOBIC TWAAATT!!!" I scream as louad as i can right in his acne filled face.

"YOU WHAT!?"  he grabs me by my collar and shoves me up against the wall, my head hitting it solid. he hits me once round the face. and then another time. the impact hurts my jaw. yet i want him to do it again. He clenches he dirty hands together, and throws another blow to my face. my nose starts to drip blood and my lips starts to turn scarlet.

"YOU LIKE THAT SCUM BAG!?" He smiles and throws me to the ground. "There you go boys.. my treat..Finish the fucker"

"haghah" They all laugh and approch my body. the floor feels cold.. and my hands begin to shake.

His jock friends gather round me forming a circle. one of them shouts "Faggot!" another calls "Homo!" . i couldnt care less what names they call me. i'm used to it now. ive spent long enough at schools getting bullied by twats who dont know any other way to satisfy them selves! even now when im 25 i still get those fuckers every where i go!

The large guys start to kick me. each time a harder kick. one kneels down and starts to lift my head and dropp it down again. grabbing a hold my ears and banging my head back and forth onto the tiled floor. my head. it begins to bleed. i know this because i can see my blood strolling from my head.

"Awrh. do you want us to stop! can you not take anymore" they tease

"Fuck you!" i start to cry and hurl up into a ball.

"nope.. i dont think hes had enough yet" another guy states and kicks me in the shin. he takes from his pocket some form of small blade and places it on my hand closes my palm, and stamps violently on it.

"arrrhh!!" i let out a yell

"Ha! Did that hurt?"  .. i nod silently. "Good!" he presses on my hand again.. "AaAHHH!" i scream

They finish kicking me and leave. i think it got to messy. i lay there sprawled across the floor in a puddle of my own blood. i cry. and as the tears fall i lick them from my lips tasting the salty flavour, which brings me back to old memorys of being in the cinema as a yound boy.. i dont know why.

It reminds me of me, Mikey and mom going to watch batman for the first time at the movies! we got two boxes of salt popcorn. one for me and one for Mikey. Mom wouldnt have any though, because she used to claim she was on a diet. later we would see her on the sofa at night digging into a chocolate cake or the leftovers from the night before. heh i start to chuckle to myself and smile.

my face soon drops when i see my blood again crawling around on the ground. before i know it, everything is black , and i dont know where i am...


read on.. to find out what happens next.

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