Chapter One

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Hey guys, here's my first proper story, hope you like it :D The photo at the side is of Beth... Doesn't mean you have to picture her like that though.


     The heat was making me feel a bit sick. Bad enough, it was thirty degrees outside, but the train station felt like a sauna. Whether it was because there were so many people bustling about, or because I had been standing there so long, or simply because the train station had its winter heating on, I didn’t know. Feeling a little faint, I leant against Beth just incase I collapsed.

     ‘Remind me never to let you organize anything again,’ I muttered to her.

     ‘I was sure he said twelve o’clock,’ she told me, looking around for the billionth time.

     ‘Yes, but you were also sure your last exam was on the twenty seventh, and what happened?’

     ‘I missed it, I know! Stop reminding me.’

     ‘I’m just making sure you don’t forget, cause that’s what you do with everything else,’ I teased her.

     She huffed and looked around again.

     Okay, so I know this girl doesn’t look that perfect here, but I guess she’s a little (lot) forgetful. It doesn’t matter though, because that’s her only fault. And I mean one and only.

     My mum says I idolize her too much, and sometimes, I think she’s right. But in all honesty, Beth is the coolest, the prettiest, the kindest, the most funny, and the most amazing best friend ever.

     She’s three years, five months and eleven days older than me, that makes her eighteen and me fourteen (getting closer to fifteen with every day!). I guess it’s the age difference that makes me adore her so much. Did you ever have that person, who you think is so cool and you want nothing more than to grow up and be like them?

     Mine is Beth, always has been.

     Even when I was four, I found it incredible that she wanted to be friends with me; I mean she was seven, what sane seven-year-old wants to hang around with a four-year-old?

     ‘Maybe we just missed him,’ she suggested. I wasn’t sure if that was possible or not. The train station was extremely full and there were so many faces, but we had positioned ourselves specifically so that we couldn’t miss him.

     It was a long and sort of thin hall, with shops on one side and ticket machines on the other. Seeing as Cardiff is the capital of Wales, you would expect something slightly bigger, but that’s Wales for you.

     I felt her arm relax where I was leaning on her before I saw him. In fact I didn’t really have much of a chance to spot him, because I hadn’t seen him in so long that I hardly remembered what he looked like. Beth, on the other hand, did.

     She ran off, yelling ‘Michael!’ while I staggered a bit from the loss of her support. She threw her arms around the neck of a very tall and handsome guy.

     ‘Beth! It’s been too long,’ he said, into her hair.

     I just stood there awkwardly, thinking this was only the beginning. Michael had been Beth’s best friend at school and I had been her best friend out of school. Michael and I had never seen each other much; we had always hung out with her at different times, in different places.

     Then when I was seven, they were ten, Michael had moved to Manchester and left Beth behind in St. David’s, to rot away with the Welsh hills and sheep. Out of the blue, three months ago, he contacted her on Facebook, and Beth, being the ever forgiving person she is, invited him to come spend the summer with us.

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