Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hey guys! So it's finally gonna be Debby's birthday :D This is the fourth last chapter... which seems weird to me cause there is still LOADS to happen, but I figured it out, there will be thirty two chapters in total... So yes almost finished.



      The more I willed time to slow down, the faster it went. I hardly even got a chance to take in the fact that we were one day closer to Michael leaving, then before I knew it that day would be over too and we were even closer.

      My parents returned late on Wednesday night, all smiles and excitement for my birthday, which I didn’t share. I wanted so badly to be excited, but I just couldn’t do it. In the morning I would wake up and be fifteen. Big deal. The morning after that I would wake up and have to say goodbye to Michael.

     ‘Sleep well,’ my mum told me, giving me a kiss on the forehead as I went up to bed. ‘In the morning you’ll be a year older. Think of this as a new beginning, I’ve returned home for the last time, tomorrow things will change completely for the better.’

     ‘No, Mum,’ I contradicted her. ‘Tomorrow things will be exactly the same. It’s the day after that where everything will change.’

     ‘Oh baby,’ she muttered, stroking my hair. ‘I know it’ll be sad when Michael leaves, but you’ll have to get over it.’

     ‘Mum, I appreciate the thought of you being all sweet and loving,’ I told her. ‘But, I’m not used to it yet. Could we work our way up slowly to being all touchy, with the hugs and kisses?’ I asked.

     It was like a veil dropping from her face, she looked relieved. ‘Oh good,’ she sighed. ‘I do want to make things up to you, but it’s hard diving right in like this.’

     ‘I know Mum, it’s hard for me too,’ I reassured her. ‘We need to build a proper mother daughter relationship here, and you can’t do that so easily, I’d prefer if we do it slowly.’

     ‘Okay,’ she said. ‘Step by step. Well good night then Debby.’

     I moved up the stairs to my room, and climbed into my bed. I lay in my bed waiting for sleep to claim me, but even though it was almost midnight, it didn’t. I was almost willing myself not to sleep, because if I slept, then I would wake up, and if I woke up, it would be my last day with Michael.

     I’m not sure how long it was before he came to me, but it felt like a long time. He opened the door slowly and poked his head round, searching with his eyes in the dark.

     I sat up. ‘Can’t sleep either?’ I asked him.

     He laughed. ‘Of course not.’ He closed the door behind him, but didn’t turn the light on. ‘Mind if I join you?’ he asked crawling into my bed.

     ‘Well it doesn’t look like I have a choice,’ I joked. ‘But it’s fine, just as long as we don’t do what we did last time we were in bed together.’

     ‘Deal,’ he whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around me.

     ‘Do you know what time it is?’ I asked him.

     ‘I think it’s after one,’ he answered into the dark. I could feel his words vibrating through his chest.

     ‘That means I’m fifteen,’ I told him.

     ‘You were born at one in the morning?’ he asked.

     ‘Yes.’ We lay in each others’ arms, enjoying the feel of each other, the rightness, the warmth. ‘You’re almost exactly three years older than me.’

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