Chapter Twenty-Two

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Okay guys, here's another chapter! It's very short, but it's mostly Michael and Debby being romantic, so hopefully you'll like? You tell me.

This one is dedicated to Together_Alone for her wonderful comments, votes and her love of this story mainly :P

COMMENT please. I don't care if you don't have much to say, just tell me what you're thinking when you finish reading, it would make me so happy :D


     You know when you wake up and feel unbelievably comfortable, and like everything in the world is right? That’s how I felt the next morning. I slowly ebbed into consciousness, but the lovely type of consciousness, where you have no troubles, no pain, and all you can feel is warm and fuzzy.

     I was in Michael’s bed, my head resting on his bare chest, and I rose and fell ever so slightly with his deep rhythmical breathing, up and down, up and down. I kept my eyes closed and didn’t move an inch; desperate not to break the wonderful state I was in.

     Michael was only wearing boxers. We had talked about this before we went to sleep: whether it was appropriate, whether we were comfortable around each other when we were not fully clothed. We’d agreed that seeing as we knew we weren’t going to have sex, it didn’t seem like a big deal, and we shouldn’t wear more than we usually did just because we were sleeping in the same bed.

     After a long time I felt his breathing change and knew he was waking up. I peeled my eyes open and tilted my head to look at him. He hadn’t opened his eyes yet, so I just watched him, waiting. I was amazed at how beautiful his face was, so perfectly formed and peaceful when he slept.

     ‘Stop staring at me,’ he said, without opening his eyes.

     ‘How did you know I was staring?’ I asked, placing my chin on his chest. His eyes fluttered open now.

     ‘I could just tell.’ He looked at me and smiled. ‘Morning beautiful.’

     I grinned. ‘You make me happy,’ I told him.

     ‘Glad to hear it.’ He did some talented weight shifting and a roll, seemingly effortless, and then he was on top of me. I snaked my hands around his neck and planted them in his hair as he lent down. He didn’t kiss me straight away, he hesitated when his face was almost touching mine, and we took each other in before he suddenly closed the distance.

     It was an urgent, passionate kiss, and it felt as though there was more behind it sexually than the kisses we normally shared. Instead of the gentle, tender emotion, it was like we were scared to stop.

     When we finally did he gave me a look of desperation. ‘Debby, you’re killing me here.’

     ‘What?’ I asked, confused.

     He sighed and nuzzled my neck gently. ‘This no sex thing,’ he said. ‘It’s hard. I want you so bad.’

     I pushed him gently, so he rolled off me and onto his side next to me. I turned to face him. ‘I’m sorry Michael,’ I whispered. ‘I’m just not ready.’

     ‘Don’t you want to a little bit?’ he asked. ‘Aren’t you even curious?’

     ‘Of course I am,’ I replied. ‘But I know it would be a mistake if we did. I would have to live with the fact that I lost my virginity at fourteen forever, and I’m sure I would regret it.’

     ‘Why? Do you not like me enough?’ he pleaded, making sad puppy-dog eyes at me.

     ‘I do. I like you more than anyone else in my life so far,’ I told him. ‘But that’s just it. I have no clue. There’s so much left for me to experience, I have no idea what love is, no fourteen-year-old can really understand that, and I don’t know what sex means. For our generation it’s just this thing we do, that we enjoy. But, emotionally, it is so much more than that, and I’m too young to understand how.’

We stared at each other, contemplating what I’d said. ‘Do you get what I’m mean?’ I asked eventually.

     ‘Yes,’ he told me, with certainty. ‘I sometimes wish I hadn’t done it when I did. I could have lost it to you. I would have had to wait till I was seventeen, but I think it would have been worth it. To have my first time with someone I care about as much as I care about you would have been brilliant.

     ‘But as it is, I can’t. I wouldn’t want you to have sex with me, if you then met a guy who you felt more strongly about, and wished you could have lost it with him. I don’t want you to make the same mistake I did.

     ‘However, if we part at the end of this summer having never done it, I will always wonder.’

     I chuckled at this. ‘I’ll tell you what,’ I said. ‘I feel like you are the guy I want to loose it with, but not at the right time. So lets make a deal. The moment I think I’m ready, if I still haven’t met anyone I like as much as I like you, then I will call you and we can meet up and have sex.’

     ‘What if I have another girlfriend then?’ he asked, grinning cheekily.

     ‘Then the choice is up to you,’ I told him.

     ‘I think I’d choose you,’ he said. ‘I’ll always choose you.’

Three Years, Five Months and Eleven DaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora