Chapter Twenty-One

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So guys, another chapter as promised, because you are all wonderful and not only have I reached TWO THOUSAND reads, but I'm also number 450 hottest in Teen Fiction, which I personally think is amazing.

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I'll stop blabbing now.


      We got up the next morning at ten and had an hour to wash, get dressed, have breakfast, shove some clothes in our bags and jump in Rob’s car. We had booked our tickets online the night before, and there was a train going straight from Haverfordwest all the way to Manchester at eleven forty-three. The journey would take six and a half hours and cost around fifty pounds for both of us, but that’s English rail travel for you and at least we didn’t have to change trains.

     ‘Don’t you see the plus in this?’ I asked Rob. ‘Just think, this is the last time you’ll have to drive us anywhere for the rest of the summer.’

     ‘Yeah, I guess that’s good,’ he muttered, keeping his eyes on the road. ‘What I don’t understand, is why you and Beth went all the way to Cardiff to pick Michael up when he first came here, if there are trains straight to Haverfordwest.’

     I shrugged. ‘I never really knew,’ I told him. ‘Beth just asked me to go with her so I went. Why did we do that?’ I asked Michael.

     ‘Beth insisted on picking me up from Cardiff, because it was slightly quicker that way,’ he explained. ‘The train to Cardiff only took three and a half hours, then the journey to St. David’s two hours, so it was like an hour quicker in total.’

      ‘Sorry guys,’ Rob said. ‘I would never do that for you, I don’t love you that much.’

     ‘That’s fine,’ Michael said. ‘It would be crazy if you drove us all the way to Cardiff. Anyway, six hours is nothing.’

     ‘Six hours isn’t nothing,’ I contradicted. ‘It’s quite a lot actually.’ This got a smile out of Michael, who reached out and took my hand and kissed it lightly.

     ‘Debby,’ he said, shaking his head and grinning, but that was all he said.

      We arrived at the train station with only ten minutes before our train was leaving. Michael and I leapt out of the car, with Rob calling after us ‘Be good.’ We raced to a ticket machine and I punched in the code for our tickets, while Michael shifted from foot to foot next to me, urging me to go faster.

     The machine spat out our tickets and we grabbed them and ran.

     ‘So, six hours,’ I sighed, once we were on the train and in our seats.

      He chuckled and put his arm around me. ‘It’ll be fine,’ he told me. ‘You’ll see, the time flies by when you’re with someone as awesome as me.’


     It really did as well. We didn’t stop talking once in the six hours. I couldn’t even believe it myself, who knew there was so much to talk about? We covered everything, from what we were like at school, what our views were on a whole array of topics, what our favourite of everything was, what our plans were for the future.

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