Chapter Seventeen

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Here it is guys! The big moment when you find out what's happened to Beth and Dee.... It might have been a little predictable, but this is NOT, and I repeat NOT, the big plot twist. That is keeping right for the second to last chapter ;) So I was planning to put way more into this chapter, but then I realised that if I did it would be like six pages long, and I don't do longer than five! 

The song on the side is Charlene Soraia's version of Wherever You Will Go, LISTEN TO IT WHILE YOU READ PLEASE.

Hope you enjoy. As always, vote, fan and COMMENT.


     Beth’s face was a complete mess. She was sitting on the floor, curled up, her face was wet, she had glossy black mascara lines running down her cheeks, and a clump of hair was stuck to her forehead. I’d never in my life seen her crying so hard.

     It felt like I was standing there forever, but in reality it was just a few seconds. Finally I managed to open my mouth and say, ‘W-what happened?’

     ‘I need to take this phone call Debby,’ Dee said through her tears, covering up the phone, then she was out of the room in a flash, and I could vaguely hear her talking in the kitchen.

     I moved to Beth at last, and sitting down next to her, put my arm around her.

Michael hadn’t moved an inch the whole time, but now it was his turn to ask, ‘What happened?’

     ‘Shush!’ I hissed at him.

     ‘What? You asked it first,’ he pointed out.

     ‘Just be quiet!’ I yelled at him. He seemed to get the hint, because he moved to the sofa and sat down without a word.

     Beth was crying even harder now, hiding her face on my shoulder and weeping away.

     ‘Beth, whatever’s happened, it’s gonna be okay,’ I promised her.

     ‘How would you know?’ she sobbed.

     ‘I don’t, but I’m hoping,’ I told her, a few tears of sympathy leaking out of me now. We sat there for what felt like hours, Beth just cried and I just held her. Michael didn’t say another word the whole time.

     Eventually, when it seemed like Beth had used up all her tears, I sighed and asked ‘Are you ready to tell me what happened yet?’

     She moved away from me slightly and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie. ‘I think so.’

    ‘Think you can do it without crying?’ I asked her. ‘You’re not allowed to tell me till you can do it without crying.’

     ‘It’s okay,’ she reassured me. ‘I think I’ve run out of tears for now.’

     I glanced at Michael, ‘You don’t mind him being here do you?’

     ‘No, of course not,’ she said. ‘He’s got to find out anyway.’ Neither Michael nor I said anything, deciding to let her explain in her own time. ‘That call was from my uncle,’ she started. ‘My dad’s brother. It-it’s my dad… he’s in hospital. He’s got cancer.’

     I waited for her to carry on, but she didn’t. ‘Was he just diagnosed?’

     ‘No,’ she replied, her voice shaking a little. ‘He’s known for two months. He didn’t want me to know, because he hoped it would just go away.’

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