Chapter Ten

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So here's another chapter for you, this one's longer than the last two :D Not that any of my lovely readers have complained about length, but I do feel bad when I upload and it's only like two pages. Everyone who is still reading is my hero and I love you forever. If YOU love ME please take a second (and i do literally mean a second) to vote, I would really appreciate it.

Anyway I'm going to stop talking and let you read now.


     We hung out for a while longer, until I heard Beth come home. We didn’t really know how things were going to turn out, and we didn’t know how to act, so we just went downstairs thinking it would all work out.

     As soon as she heard us coming down the stairs together, she popped out of the sitting room into the hallway, as if she had been waiting for us behind the door. She had the biggest grin plastered on her face and the second I saw it I couldn’t help smiling too, her joy was infectious. ‘So?’ she asked.

     I blushed and turned to Michael to let him answer, but he was blushing too. He didn’t say anything, so I nudged him in the ribs with my elbow. He still didn’t say anything, but instead slid my hand into his, our fingers interlocking.

      This was plenty of information for Beth and she squealed. ‘I’m so glad you guys finally worked things out!’ she said. ‘You have no idea how frustrating it’s been hanging out with you guys for two weeks and waiting for you to realise how perfect you were for each other!’

     ‘You knew all along?’ I asked.

     ‘Of course I have,’ she told me. ‘I’m not blind. And I told you, on the first night, but you didn’t believe me.’

     ‘I thought you were joking…’ I told her.

      ‘What are we gonna do with her Michael?’ she said. ‘She’s so clueless.’

     ‘I’ve opted for dating her, hopefully that will get rid of the clueless part.’

     Her jaw dropped. ‘Wait, are you two actually going out?’ she asked. ‘Already?’

     Michael shrugged. ’We thought we might as well,’ he said. ‘We both know we feel too strongly about each other to just fool around.’

      She looked at me. ‘Michael,’ she started, talking to him, but looking me straight in the eyes. ‘Can you excuse us for a minute?’

     She’d pulled me away before he even replied, and as soon as we were in her room she slammed the door and said ‘Debby I hope you know what you’re doing.’


      ‘This is Michael,’ she said. ‘The guy who is living with me for six more weeks.’

      ‘So? I don’t know why you’re acting so shocked Beth,’ I said. ‘You were the one who said to talk to him.’

     ‘Yes but I expected you guys to get off, not get together!’

     ‘Why’s it so bad that he’s my boyfriend?’ I yelled. ‘You’re just jealous aren’t you?’

      ‘Debby, please calm down,’ she told me. ‘You’re jumping to conclusions here. I understand how happy you are, and you know I’m not jealous. You haven’t thought this through.’

     ‘Thought what through?’

     ‘You being with Michael,’ she replied. ‘Either it’s not going to work, and then you or Michael will have to disappear from my house, and I’m not choosing who, or if it does work, he’ll just leave you heartbroken in six weeks. There is no happy ending to this story,’ she told me.

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