Chapter Nine

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This chapter's really short again, sorry. But I promise the next one is longer :D

The song on the side is by Gwen Stefani, a long running idol of mine, enjoy! 


     We fell into his room, breathless and giggling. As I closed the door, he backed me into it, and put his hands on either side of my head. ‘So,’ he said, his lips brushing against mine as he did. ‘Where were we?’

     ‘Right about here,’ I told him, putting my fingers through the belt hoops on his jeans, pulling him in as close as possible to me and putting my lips on his. Every part of his body was pushed against mine and he kissed me more gently this time, which was somehow much more passionate.

     He broke the kiss and backed away, pulling me by my hand with a cheeky grin towards his bed. I sat down on the edge and he stood in front of me, tilted my chin upwards with his hand and bent down to place another kiss on my lips.

     Before I knew it, I found myself lying down, with him right there above me, his hand scarily close to my breast. ‘No,’ I murmured through the kiss. He ignored me and carried on kissing me. I tried to move my head backwards, but there was nowhere to go, because it was right up against the mattress.

     I wasn’t even kissing him back anymore, but that didn’t seem to slow him down and he was too heavy for me to get him off me. There was no way he didn’t know I wanted him to stop, but he was being forceful to the point I was finding it a little scary, I hadn’t seen this side of him before.

     Not knowing what else to do, I lifted my knee up sharply and it went right into his crotch. This had him off me in no time. He was curled up on the bed next to me, wheezing in pain. I jumped off the bed and stayed my distance.

     ‘What the hell was that for?’ he asked, face crumpled and red.

     ‘I wanted you to stop,’ I told him. ‘But you were ignoring me, so I didn’t know what else to do.’

     He managed to sit up carefully, but still looked in a lot of pain. ‘Sorry,’ he said. ‘I genuinely didn’t mean to force myself on you. What did I do wrong?’

     ‘It was nothing,’ I said. ‘I just want to get some things out in the open before anything else happens.’


     ‘Well it’s just that…I’m fourteen and you’re seventeen,’ I started.

     ‘Well done Einstein,’ he said sarcastically.

     ‘Well I’m sure you’ve… you know. And as you know I haven’t.’

     ‘Are we talking about sex here?’ he asked. ‘Because you can say the word, I’m not scared of it.’

     I hit him lightly on the arm and sat next to him on the bed. ‘Look, Michael I’m pretty sure I’m not ready and I know you’re a nice guy really and that you only got a bit carried away just now, but I don’t want you to force me into anything. Please.’

     He chuckled and took my hand gently in his. ‘Debby I’m so sorry if I came across as a rapist,’ he joked, but then suddenly he was serious. ‘I promise I won’t try anything, I completely understand that you’re not ready. Yet.’

     ‘What does the yet mean?’

     ‘It means that given a few weeks, you will change your mind.’

     ‘You just promised you wouldn’t do anything!’ I protested.

     ‘I won’t do anything. But soon enough you’ll be begging me to take you.’

     I rolled my eyes. ’Guys are so up themselves,’ I scoffed.

     ‘You wanna make a bet?’ he asked, leaning in and giving me a peck on the bone right in front of my ear.

     ‘God, you’re so flirty,’ I pointed out. ‘How did it take this long for me to figure out you liked me?’

     ‘You never asked,’ he teased me. ‘No, seriously, I was scared you wouldn’t like me. I mean you’ve been out with tonnes of boys, why would you like me?’

     ‘Are you actually asking me this?’ I said, shocked. ‘You are about a million times fitter than any of the boys I’ve gone out with!’


     ‘Well granted you’re older, and boys do generally get better looking with age, but still, I bet you were this hot from the age of about ten.’

     He looked like a pleased toddler. ‘Well of course I was,’ he confirmed smugly. ‘Is that what you thought from when you first saw me?’

     I blushed. ‘The first thing I thought was how hot you were,’ I told him.

     ‘So you’ve had a thing for me all along?’

     ‘Not really,’ I admitted. ‘I always thought you were hot, but I told myself it probably wasn’t more than that. The moment you offered to kiss me in the cinema I started toying with the idea. Beth told me to talk to you and find out how serious the suggestion had been, but it wasn’t till you touched me that I realised how deeply I felt about you.’

     ‘Well, I feel like an idiot,’ he murmured.


     ‘Because I haven’t been able to think about anything else other than you since the day I arrived in Wales,’ he told me. ‘And all this time, there you’ve been, feeling next to nothing for me.’

     ‘Aww, you’re so cute,’ I said, turning his head gently so he was looking right at me. ‘Michael, I didn’t know it was possible to feel feelings as strong as I discovered about a quarter of an hour ago. I think it’s okay.’

     ‘You sure?’

     I nodded, fiercely. ‘So does this mean you’re my boyfriend?’ I asked.

     He chuckled. ‘I am if you want me to be.’

     ‘I’d like that,’ I told him.

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