Chapter Six

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Okay so princessshree has told me she likes my story, so obviously I'm dedicating this to her. I'm not really sure if this chapter feels right... :S you tell me (hint hint, comments would be more than nice).

The picture on the side is of Debby's brother Rob, unlike the pictures of Beth and Michael, this isn't actually the guy Rob's based off, but this guy looks quite like him, so it's near enough.

Happy reading :D


     I woke up the next morning in a foul mood. The weather was bad, I was away from Beth again and not sure when I would next speak to her, I had to see my mother that day and to top it off, the first thing that happened to me was an encounter with a massive spider. And I’m talking massive, not just your average, everyday, daddy longlegs.

     I sat up in bed, then it scuttled across the space my head had occupied two seconds earlier. I froze, then trying to stay calm got out of bed and backed away. Not wanting to make a fuss I just watched it for a second, but as it ran around my mattress, then disappeared under my duvet, I wanted nothing more than to get it out of there.

     And there was no way in hell I was touching that thing.

     Feeling like an utter fool, but knowing it was my only option, I ran down the corridor and burst through the door to Robert’s room. He was fast asleep, but I didn’t care. ‘Rob, there’s a giant spider in my bed and I need you to get it out!’

     ‘Now?’ he asked, still mostly asleep.

     ‘Did you not hear me?’ I screeched. ‘It’s in my bed and it’s massive!’

      ‘Alright I’m coming, I’m coming,’ he said, crawling out of bed.

     So as you can imagine, it wasn’t the best of mornings. Rob dealt with the spider, but I couldn’t help thinking there could be another one in my bed somewhere, and the idea of it crawling across my face freaked me out so much that I was worried I would never be able to sleep in my bed again.

     When I turned on my phone there were two missed calls from Beth. I considered calling her, because she probably just wanted to check I was at home. Having left her house without a word, she hadn’t heard anything from me since we fell asleep on Thursday night. But I still wasn’t ready to talk to her, so I turned my phone back off and pretended I hadn’t seen the missed calls.

     I didn’t know what time my parents were supposed to be back, I couldn’t ask Rob because he’d gone back to bed and I would be the worst sister in the world if I woke him up a second time. I didn’t want to be in my pyjamas when they got home though, because my mum would come out with some snarky comment about me being lazy and not doing anything with my life. She wouldn’t say anything of the sort to Rob, if she were to find him in bed, but then Rob didn’t treat her with the resentment I did, so I guess it could only be expected that she liked him better.

     Within no time I found myself washed and showered with nothing to do. Things were too up in the air at the moment for me to do something that required concentration like reading a book, nothing was on TV early on Saturday afternoon, and I wasn’t good at finding things to do on a computer, so I was at a complete loss as to how to spend my time.

     As I sat at the kitchen table eating my third yoghurt of the day, more because I had nothing to do than out of hunger, the phone rang and I heard the front door open at exactly the same time. I stopped, spoon half way from the pot to my mouth, not sure what to do. I was sure that it was my parents returning home. I was also sure that it was Beth ringing to find out if I was okay. I wanted to talk to neither, but would probably end up talking to both. I didn’t do anything, trying to decide which I’d rather face first.

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