New guy

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Chloe's POV
Monday, great I hate Monday's. I woke up to my alarm blaring these days by take that to me, I turned it of and hop out of bed as I glance at myself in the mirror. Ew, my hair is everywhere and I just look disgusting. I got into the shower and did my morning routine before I put on my ripped black skinny jeans with a loose white t-shirt, a necklace and my white vans. I put on my leather jacket and straitened my hair. I then did my makeup putting on concealer, eyeliner, mascara and did my eyebrows to perfection. I put in my lip and nose ring then skipped downstairs.
"Morning beautiful" Luke said as he put on some toast and flipped the kettle on, "morning guys" I replied they all smiled and carried on eating.
"You better hurry up Chloe, I have to get to school and I want to take you today." TJ said smirking at me, "It's ok I'll take Chloe to school" Jayce said turning to give me a hug. "Or I could take her" Louis said taking my hand. They do this every morning, they all want to take me to school as I can't drive yet, "or I could walk as it's not that far guys" I say giggling. Jayce then replies sternly, "no you can't walk, something could happen to you" I sighed, they treat me like I'm a glass baby so I just turned around grabbed my bag and phone and said, "I am going now so who is taking me or I'll walk" they all looked at each other before deciding TJ will take me. We got into his black Lamborghini and drove of to school.
We parked the car and I got out to be greeted by a large guy bumping into me, "sorry love here let me help you up" the unknown person said giving me his hand. I took it and helped myself up to have TJ's hand slip around my waist pulling me away, "s-sorry about that" I called back being polite, "it's alright love" he replied. TJ dragged me to where all my other brothers were, "who the hell was he?" TJ almost screamed at me, I was shocked "I don't know, I didn't mean to bump into him I'm sorry" I was getting upset now I hate being shouted at. "Stay away from guys Chloe and I mean it" he clenched his jaw, tears welled up in my eyes as I felt an anxiety attack come on. I get these quite often as my anxiety is extremely bad, my brothers know I have anxiety and that I get anxiety attacks they also know how bad it is but they don't know I get attacks this often, "w whatever" I stuttered, shit I only stutter when I'm not around my brothers because of my anxiety, I walked away so I could have my attack in private. TJ tried to pull me back but I ran to the toilets. As soon as I got in I locked myself in a stool and slid my back down the door so I am sitting on the ground. My breathing quickened, I felt like my lungs where closing in and the walls were trapping me. Everything spun around  me as I tried to calm down. Breath Chloe breath come on I was starting to calm down as a tear escape my eye. I got up after making sure it looked like nothing happened and went to my locker to find Mia, Lilly and Tia, "Hiya babe, what's wrong?" Tia said her voice laced with concern. "N Nothing it's um y yeah nothing" I stammered, they looked unconvinced but dropped the subject anyway.

TJ's PoV
"Chloe wait I'm sorry" I Called but it was too late she had run of, I turned back to my brothers to find them all looking angrily at me, "what happened TJ?" John said looking worried. I sighed before replying, "we got out of the car and this guy walked strait into her knocking her onto the floor, he then called her love and helped her up, so I took her away from him" They all looked angry. "What did that doosh look like?" Luke spat, "I don't know umm he was tall, tanned, black hair, was wearing a black baggy t-shirt with a grey hoodie and black loose jeans at his hips." I said trying to remember what he looked like, we all then walked to our form. James had form with Chloe so he would look after her.

Chloe's POV
I walked into form with the girls and found our seats in the corner at the back. We sit at the back so no one would look at us because of my anxiety. "So I heard there was a new guy today" Mia said exited looking to us. "Cool I wonder if he is cute" Lilly said, "even if he was cute I'm not aloud to even accidentally bump into a guy" I said still pissed. They all looked at me confused so I told them what happened cutting out my anxiety attack, "ohhhh poor you babe" Lilly said sympathetically. "Thanks but you know I can't do anything about it so I don't care" I huffed, just then James walked in with a new unknown guy behind him, it was the guy I bumped into earlier. They both walked over but I don't think James relized that the guy had followed as they both took seats around us. "Hiya Chloe are you ok?" James said smiling at me, "yes I'm f fine thanks" I stuttered because of the new guy, I give my brother a hug before sitting back down and keeping my head low, newbie smirked slightly, "hiya I'm Rider Kite" I simply smiled before I turned back to the girls and listened to them chatting. Glancing over to James I saw him glaring at the guy, who I now know as Rider, who was mingling with others. I rolled my eyes at his immaturity, the next lesson is Art so I headed of with Tia as she also had art, we got into the class and took our places in the corner again. Soon enough Jayce came in followed by his two best mates Bill and Ted, they walked up to us as I hugged Jayce. Everyone took there positions as I caught eyes with Rider who was facing me over the other side of the classroom, today we had to draw someone else in the class and then at the end of the weak we will give it to them. Jayce glared at me when miss said this, basically telling me to choose a girl but I didn't care so I chose this really cute guy in my class called Rhyan. He has sparkling grey eyes, brown hair with blonde streaks in it and well he was just so damn hot. "Who are you drawing then Chloe?" Tia asked looking to me, "Ugh R-Rhyan" I whispered making sure that Jayce didn't hear me, "ooh sexy I'm choosing Callum" she said gesturing to the guy standing next to Rider. "Oh h-he is c-cute" I said winking at Tia, "who are you calling cute missy?" Jayce said turning round to me. "N-No one j-just who Tia is d-drawing" I said to him luckily he looked convinced but he still asked, "so Chloe who are you drawing then?" I gulped before making something up, "ugh M-Mia" luckily Mia was used to my brothers so she knew exactly what to do, "and who are you drawing Mia?" Jayce asked. Mia blushed before replying, "Callum but don't tell him" I giggled at her nervousness it was adorable. "Hahaha don't worry I won't tell him" Jayce winked at Mia before turning round and whispered in my ear, "calm down your stutter is really bad" he then returned to his spot and began to draw.
Art class passed really quickly and I had only drawn the draft outlines and the real jaw line.
Lunch came as me, Mia, Lilly and Tia met up and sat in the canteen. My brothers all sat together in the corner always keeping an eye on me. As I took my seat I felt someone sit down next to me, I turned to find Rider, Callum and this guy called Michael. "Hi can we sit with you babe?" Rider asked winking at me, "o-of course y-you can" I smiled sweetly at him before drinking my water. I glanced over to my brothers to find them all staring at me and I knew exactly why... There are boys with me. "So Chloe there is this party tonight at my house, you in?" Rider asked smiling, "you are all invited too" he added gesturing to the girls. "Yeah s-sure we a-are in" I replied as all the girls nodded in agreement. "Cool I'll pick you up at 9 oh and are all of you going to be at Chloe's?" He asked the girls, they looked to me and I nodded, "yeah we will be at Chloe's" Tia said smiling. "Sweat see you tonight then love" Rider said before he got up and left. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god" Mia repeatedly said as me, Lilly and Tia all laughed at her, "he sat out table, Callum actually sat with us this must be a dream" she continued. I was now crying with laughter as well as the girls.
School then finished as we went to our lockers at put our books away, "are we walking or going in your brothers car then?" Tia asked before I replied, "l-let's walk I'm f-fed up o-of 'em" they all agreed as we left and started down the road.
Ten minutes later we collapsed onto the sofa in my front room. We all started bitching and gossiping as the guys all arrived home, "hey girls, how was school?" Liam asked coming in with a pizza for us, yay pepperoni. "Good" I simply replied, he raised an eyebrow at my short answer, "what happened?" He sounded concerned, "nothing I told you it was fine" I said putting on a smile. "Or maybe your not because Rider, Callum and Michael sat at our lunch table" Mia said under her breath thinking no one would hear, "excuse me WHAT?" Liam sounded angry, shit. "N-Nothing she s-said nothing" I said kicking Mia in the leg, "fine I'll ask the boys" he turned to leave which really pissed me of, "fine ask your stupid school spies who scream at me for being a cluts and walking into someone" I grabbed my friends and stormed up stairs. At home my stutter normally goes away but if people raise there voice, scare me or get angry I begin to stutter. I almost Never have attacks at home too.

Liam's POV
"Fine ask your stupid school spies who scream at me for being a cluts and walking into someone" Chloe huffed before storming upstairs with her friends. Wait what? I am so confused, just then the boys walked in, "into the kitchen NOW" I said sternly, they all looked worried as they they filled into the kitchen, "what happened today in school?" I asked. Jayce replied nervously, "well ugh she got outthecarandbumpedintoaguythenhesatwiththemforlunch" he said really fast, "speak English Jayce Clarkson" I was getting pissed now. Jayce sighed before saying slowly, "Chloe got out of the car bumped into a new guy who called her love then got pissed at us for pulling her away from him, and at lunch he sat with Chloe and her friends as well as Callum and Michael" I was shocked, no I will not allow it. "Do not let him get close to her, understand? He will only hurt her" I said strict they all nodded before going to there separate rooms. I went to Chloe's and listened into her door. Shawn Mendes Stitches was playing at the girls were all singing along, I took the chance to open the door. Chloe was standing on her bed just in an oversized top and under garments, whereas Tia was in a black dress doing her makeup, Mia was doing her hair and was in a red tight dress and Lilly was choosing a dress. "And now that I'm without your kisses I'll be needing stitches" she sung holding her hairbrush, "oh um hi Liam" she said realising I was standing in the door way, "where are you all going then?" I asked looking to the others, Chloe looked nervous. "oh u-ugh just to a little p-party" she stuttered which means she is nervous which means this isn't a normal party, um hell no. "Who's?" I asked, "ugh I d-don't know" she said. She knew. "Ok when are you going to be back?" I asked looking dead into her eyes, she replied nervously, "umm I-I don't know m-maybe like m-midnight maybe like t-two" she whispered the last part. I didn't want her to go to this party but I know she is pissed at us all and her stutter is really bad today and I want her to have fun so me and the guys will just sneak in as well to keep an eye on her. "Fine but don't be home to late" they all looked so shocked as I turned closing the door behind me to round up the guys to tell them the plan.

Chloe's POV
"Fine but don't be home to late" Liam said before leaving us, wait what? My brother actually is letting me go to a party? That is a first. "Shit" Tia said Looking to me, "I know right but hey lets just get ready and not think about how weird that was" I said getting of the bed to choose a dress. I settled on a tight black dress that exposed some on my boobs, half my arms and ended just above mid thigh, I did a smokey eye with winged eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, foundation and my eyebrows. I looked into the mirror putting on my jacket, I didn't look to bad for once. The girls looked stunning, I put on my black heals as put my phone in Lilly's bag. We walked downstairs to find the guys in the front room, "you look gorgeous girls" Tom said, this was getting really weird now, "umm thanks?" I asked more than said, normally they would order me to go change right this second which means something is defiantly up. Leading the girls out we saw Rider in his Range Rover and we hopped in. "To the party then girls, oh and by the way you all look beautiful" he winked at me, I blushed a tad at his complement before we sped of to the party.
The party was in full swing when we arrived, there was drunk teenagers making out against trees in the front yard and the music blared out Eminem. We all walked inside and went strait to the kitchen to grab a drink, after we downed three shots we walked to the dance floor in the front room and started to dance, I felt a strong muscular arm wrap around my waist pulling me into them. I didn't know who it was but I'm not complaining. I swayed my body in time to the music and just let go. This is why I love parties, I can drink and just let all my problems and anxiety go, even though I stutter even at parties because there are people around me I feel like my anxiety goes away. I started grinding a little as the music went on, the arms still around  my waist so I disided I want to see who this muscular man is, I turned around to see Rider drunk of his face smiling down at me. I suddenly felt really awkward so I excuse myself from is grip to go to the loo. I walked out of the front room and down a hall to a staircase, I got to the top when suddenly I was pinned to the wall. I couldn't see who it was but I could smell a lot of alcohol on him and weed, great just my luck a drunk and high guy pinned me to a wall. "Hey baby I've missed you so much but now I am back" the man slurred yet somehow I knew his voice. Wait, he missed me? That means I've met him before but I don't know who he is. He then pulled away so I could soon his face. Grey eyes that seemed darker from the alchole, messed up dark brown hair, lip piercing, pink lips, strong jaw line. Oh no, "Chad?" I was  in shock but I managed to keep my stutter calm. "Miss me baby?" He purred leaning into my neck.

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