My angel

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Hiya guys I would really appreciate it if I could get some more votes on this chapter as this is one of my fav, also please follow me I am currently also working on a one direction adopted me book and a bad boy high school book, thanks xx
Chloe's POV
"Awe wait how the hell did she escape her room?" A random stranger said awakening me from my slumber, "piss of I'm tired you whore" I said in a sleeping daze. I heard gasp around me as I spoke, "miss please we need to check how mister Tim is doing and then you can sleep but we also need you to stay in your room" I pealed an eye open to see a fit doctor speaking, he looked like sixteen wtf? "Fine but I'm not staying in my room biatch" I said getting up, I looked back to see Timmy smirking, "what you smirking at you strange boy" I asked cocking an eyebrow. "Just the fact no one can ever get you out of bed but here you are out of bed" he replied waving his hand to me. I scoffed, "only because I need you to get better so we can escape... Oh yeah how old are you doc?" I always get distracted damnit. The doc chuckled, "I'm nineteen and actually I'm a nurse" I laughed before replying, "what the fuck is the difference" he just laughed before turning to Tim as I sat on the couch lying down. I tried to sleep but was awoken again when the door swung open forcefully and practically everyone I know runs in screaming my name and asking where I was. "Right here" I say lifting my arm so it points to me, everyone snatches their gaze to me letting out a sigh of relief. "Sorry miss but you need to go back to your room" this other boy said who looked like he was in his mid-30s, "hell no bro" I said shutting my eyes again. Suddenly I was being picked up so I screamed, "ahhh we just need you to go back to your room sweetie" the guy said pushing me to the room of death. "Let go or I will murder you- you arse" I screamed punching and hitting him.
Ten minutes later where am I? Strapped into a hospital bed with my brothers and friends sitting around looking amused. A doctor then came in with a thick black note book, "okay I'm just going to ask some questions if it's cool with you" he didn't even allow me to answer when he asked "why did you try to kill yourself?" I was about to reply when Tom stood up screaming, "you told her? We weren't going to tell her!" I huffed, "wow thanks guys these are my questions calm your arse, I told you I don't know I can't remember anything, but everyone I am so sorry. I am so ashamed as why I would do that! I feel so selfish and really pathetic because I can't remember the reason I did" everyone kept quiet as the doctor wrote shit down, "okay next question, tell me exactly your last memory" the doctor said. I then said, "okay so Shawn is round and it's three am we are laughing about ridiculous Hannah Montana jokes and eating cheese toasties, it's November the sixth. My brothers all fell asleep in one big bundle down stairs after watching a film. Seriously they looked so cute so I took a few pictures and Shawn was laughing so hard I had to shove him the bathroom before he woke them up" I was laughing by the end of it but all my friends and brothers looked really weirdly. "Sorry Chloe that never happened" Luke said with tears in his eyes, the doc nodded writing stuff down. "Okay the memory's you have of the past two or so weeks are mostly fake. Because of her Selective memory loss what's happened is she has made up these perfect happy scenarios and they have replaced the other bad memories" the doc said before leaving. I just thought over what he said, "wait so that didn't happen?" I said in disbelief as it felt so real. "Nope sorry" Shawn said coming and sitting on the edge of my bed. "Hu, shame they were pretty funny jokes and you guys did look adorable plus Shawn it was hilarious seeing you fall into the bathtub and giggle uncontrollably" I said thinking back. Every one let out a sad giggle, "so what actually happened and what in the world was so bad that I decided to jump?" I asked no one in particular. John spoke up saying, "you told us what happened to our parents, you then screamed saying you knew it was your fault and that you wish it was you, which isn't true by the way. Unfortunately me and the boys were to caught up in this story and in shock we couldn't speak or move, you ran of and the next thing we know is we get a call from Rider saying you jumped and you're in the hospital" I let out a shaky breath. I did it I really told them, wow. A smile broke on my face, "I did it, I overcame my fear" I said in a hushed voice to myself, "what fear?" Kyle asked, "my fear of reliving that nights memory and telling you guys the truth" I replied. "Oh and I'm so sorry Rider, I'm sorry to all of you I can't believe I was that selfish" I said shaking my head, "it's alright Angel" Ryder replied I looked at him, "Angel?" I asked unsure. He chuckled before saying, "I asked the nurse how you lived and she told me that you are extremely special, a miracle even. She told me you are Gods special Angel so you're my angel" I smiled brightly at that. "Right I'm bored you cutie let's go on an adventure" I said standing up unfortunately they had different plans as they all stood in front of the door, "guys move your arses before I kick them" I warned. "Nope doctors orders you are to stay here" Louis said pointing a finger at me, "guys do you not get it? They have no clue what happened! They will run tests then say oh it's a miracle and tell the press now move" I said in a deathly tone. Realisation flashed across them as they moves away from the door but it was to late, I opened the door to see a thousand flashed go of. "Mother Christ get the hell away from me" I screamed pushing my way through the people. They were all screaming things as we marched to Timmy's room, I barged in grabbing his hand and dragging him out to even more flashing lights. We ran out to the front desk, "we are leaving now see ya biatches" I screamed before we legged it to the car parked outside. Once we all got in Tom sped of home.

I have never been so happy in my life to see a building, I am home finally. We all got out and stepped inside, I let out a breath of security, I slowly made my way to my bedroom. Opening the door I have never been more relieved to see a mattress and wood, my dear bed that I love so very much. I jumped on my bed and snuggled down, sleep took over as my eyelids fell shut.

I awoke to the smell of bacon and music mixed with the laughter of my loved ones. I went to my bathroom to fix my hair and shower before I changed into my sweats and walked downstairs. Everyone was in the kitchen eating and dancing whilst singing awfully most of the time getting the lyrics wrong, I giggled to myself as I flicked the kettle on, "morning Angel" Ryder said from behind me as he gave me a hug, kissing my temple. "Morning Ry" I replied happily, then Halo by Beyonce came on. Ryder started singing whilst staring strait at me, he was an amazing singer. And damn he is hot, wait what? Oh well he is hot and he is so caring and hell in falling hard for him. He sing two lyrics strait to me and everyone else stayed quiet listening closely, "I can feel your Halo" he sung the last line to perfection. "Wow" I breathed, he all of a sudden just takes my hand smiling like an idiot and runs upstairs pulling me with him.

He runs strait into my room before simply staring at me with this huge smile on his face, "Angel I am in love with you" he blurted out. A smile broke into my face as I took in what he said, "Ryder I'm in love with you too" and with that he kissed me. His soft plump lips felt so right connected to mine, his mouth moulded into mine perfectly. His tongue slid across my bottom lip asking for entrance that I gladly accepted as our tongues danced with one another. I smiled into the kiss as we broke apart panting for air, "Be mine?" Ryder asked looking me dead in the eye. "Of course I'm yours Ryder," I replied as he embraced me in a sweat yet passionate kiss once again. One thought crossed across my mind.... I love Ryder and this is perfect.

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