Angels in the sky

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I drifted of into a dream....

"And now that I'm without your kisses I'll be needing stitches tripping over myself I'm aching begging you to come help..." I sing in the back of the car. Mum is in the passenger side looking at me smiling and laughing away as I sing and dance. Daddy is driving, he glances at me every few seconds smiling like an idiot, he is also dancing like a fool with me. We all burst into tears as I failed a high note. "Baby girl you know what?" My mother said looking proudly into my eyes, "what mother?" I ask still dancing slightly in my seat. "You are so talented and beautiful inside as well as out. You can sing like an angel and you can dance like no one has seen before. Every time I look at you my breath is taken away by your beauty, your gorgeous inside and out always remember that baby girl" my mum said tearing up as she holds my hand, "promise me one thing?" I nodded, "you will never stop performing- one day I want to either see you singing your heart out on stage or dancing like there is no tomorrow in front of a crow filled with over a million fans. I am so proud of you I truly am; I have no clue how I was gifted with such an incredible, angelic, talented daughter baby" I smiled feeling so much love in the moment.
My father turned around also smiling, "I agree with your mother, I am so proud of you; you will defiantly go places baby. I wanna see you at number one in the charts and being the number one dancer in the world. If you try you can get there you will, heck I know you will..." My fathers speech was cut of by a loud horn and bright lights. All I could see was a blinding light, my parents screaming my name, crying. Then nothing. I was outside the car looking onto the accident. My parents were alive but I was the other side of the road lifeless. My body was still, frozen, I looked like a ghost my skin was so pale and my lips were many shades of blue. My hair had turned a dark red from the blood seeping out of my skull. I was practically ripped apart. "Baby Chloe speak to me" my mother shouted helplessly trying to get out of the car but she couldn't. Suddenly everything went black.

I was at home again, my brothers were on the front room with two police officers. "I am so sorry boys, Chloe didn't survive the accident but both your parents did- they are at the hospital right now" officer one said. My brothers were all pale as ghosts, no one said a word, tears filled all there eyes and some of them even spilled over. Suddenly Tom stood up and stormed out of the room; I followed him to his bedroom were he shut and locked his door before pacing angrily around his floor. "No no no this isn't happening, no please just fucking wake up" he muttered walking around his room before he screamed "WHY HER?!??" He slammed his fist into the wall. His knuckles split apart as blood poured out, he removed his hand from the wall and slouched to the floor sobbing uncontrollably. "Why her?" He whispered before it all went black.

It looks about a week later, my parents are home again and they were all sitting around the dinner table. Everyone was silent. Tom had red puffy eyes, his hair was messy and unwashed. He looked like shit. Kyle had huge bags under his eyes and had a tear stained face, he looked washed but tired and depressed. Luke looked the worst though, his eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks were stained with so many tears they looked natural. His hair was unwashed and unbrushed, his clothes were dirty and smelly. Bags were under his eyes and he was as pale as a ghost. They all looked awful, mum and dad both looked extremely guilty, tired, depressed, angry, sad and just god they looked crap. I then realised non of them were eating they were all staring at a seat. MY seat.
I woke up silently crying my heart out, I felt like I couldn't breath. So that's what it would have been like if it was me dead and my parents alive? I felt like I was going to puke as I gasped for air. I clenched my chest with my hand as I struggled to breath, my lungs struggled to work as I helplessly forced them to breath. I wasn't crying silently now I was full on sobbing with a panic attack mixed together. I pulled away my covers and stepped out of bed before falling to my knees.
The door swung open and in came all my brothers, Louis came and sat next to me putting a hand on my back he traced circles trying to relax me. "Shhhh it's ok we are here now, breath Chloe your safe ok?" Louis said trying to calm me down but pathetically failed. He then snatched my hand and placed it in his heart, "follow my breathing ok?" He said taking deep breaths, I could feel the air flowing in his body and traced his actions; slowly my breathing resumed to its natural page but I was still crying my eyes out.
"Hey it's ok love I'm here princes" Luke said hugging me, I hugged back trying to stop myself from crying. "I'm fine really go back to bed you need you sleep" I said with a fake smile, they didn't seem convinced. "Nope" Kyle said popping the 'p'. "Yeah we are staying here with you" Liam said climbing into my bed. The others followed his actions. I snuggled into the middle of them and soon enough everyone had fallen asleep. I was still awake however and I had my dream replaying in my head. I can't believe that it would have been like that if it was me. I climb out of bed quietly and walk towards my door before silently closing it behind me. I crept to the kitchen and make myself a hot cup of tea. As I wait for the water to boil I think about life itself; before my parents died the family was so adventurous, we always had holidays and basically we were all dare Devils. We camped out under the stars, we climbed mountains, I was free running with Luke and sometimes Kyle. My dad loved taking me places like the rock climbing place, sailing, wind surfing, an sailing, basically anywhere physical and adventurous we went. The water finished boiling and I made my tea, walking outside I lied on the grass and looked to the night sky. The black heaven was lit with infinite stars, two stars stood out the most though, two stars right next to each other that were close to the moon. The brightness from both these stars was so unusually vivid it was like they were moons in itself. Together they shone intently making it blinding to look at, it suddenly hit me. Angels. These two dazzling stars were to dazzling Angels; my parents were in the sky shining brighter than the moon itself, telling me to be brave and to carry on with life. They were telling me to not be afraid to do anything, to dare to be the best, to be kinder than the most kind, to be the best person I can be. My father was looking down telling me to suck it up and be the dare devil he raised, he was telling me to become stronger everyday and to never ever give up. My mother was looking down at me with the pride still shining in her eyes telling me to stay strong, to stop hurting myself and the people around me, to follow my dreams and become the best at my talents. My beautiful mother was telling me she loves me and that I should never give up my dream because of a bump in the road; sure she is absent but she isn't gone for ever. She is telling me that she is disappointed I stopped when they made me promise I would never give up my dreams, she is telling me I made a promise the night they died and I need to keep it; she is telling me to get my pretty little arse into that music studio and sing my lungs out, she is telling me to follow my cute nose into that dance studio and dance till my legs can't take it anymore.
I made a promise to be in front of millions and that is what I'm going to do; I'm going to make my parents proud and be strong, I'm going to write everything I feel and sing everything I think, I am going to dance till my heart explodes. As I thought of this life I'm going to change, my eyelids fell heavy leading me into a blissful slumber.

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